•Date Night•

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My confidence spiked as the lift stopped, the doors slowly sliding open. He held onto my arm tightly, as we made our way out into the lobby. The usual partygoers recognised Thaddeus in all of his glory, wondering who the fuck I was. But I didn't care. The only thing that was important was the fact that he had me on his arm, leading me outside.

"Thaddeus?" Somebody called, both of our heads turning to face the front desk. Talulah raised his eyebrow, Thaddeus sighed.

"Wait here." He said under his breath, tucking his hands into his pockets as he reluctantly made his way over to the desk. From what I could see, there was a heated conversation between the two of them. Thaddeus threw his hand in the air, his ring clinking against the marble. They were speaking in hushed voices, I could do nothing but wait until they were both finished.  Thaddeus hissed something at Talulah, before turning on his heel, tugging at his sleeves as he walked back over to me. He was silent, tucking his arm under mine again, leading me towards the front door. He pushed the door, leading to the warm street.

He wasn't wrong. There were cameras everywhere- I suddenly found myself wondering if I looked good enough to be seen publicly with him. He opened the door for me, keeping his face straight. I heard the cameras calling to him, asking him questions. The one that I heard the most was 'Where have you been Thaddeus? Can you tell us who the woman is?' He grumbled to himself, slamming the door as he sat down, wiping his face with his hands. I prodded him in the shoulder, he looked at me through the gaps in his hands. He smiled, dropping them to his side. "You look handsome." I said to him, cocking my head to the side, reaching out to cup his cheek.

"Not as beautiful as you little mouse." He said, taking my hand from his face, kissing it. I poured at him, wanting to kiss him more than anything now. My makeup was pristine, and I knew for sure that he would smudge it; on purpose. He's so it so that he could watch me do it again. He sat in between my legs as I applied it, watching my every move with eager eyes. I offered to do his, he laughed at that remark.  I loved it when he called me little mouse, it made me feel precious, small compared to him. The fact that he would endeavour to protect me from anything made my stomach full with butterflies.
"How do you like your dress?" He asked, winking at me.

"It's perfect. It's exactly what I've dreamt about for years. Thank you." I said, smiling brightly. He nodded with a small smile, knowing full well that he had succeeded in making me feel like a princess- the happiest that I've ever felt.

"I had them talk through everything that they had in the store. Even the things that they weren't selling anymore- the ones that they keep locked away in boxes. I wanted to make sure that I'd find something perfect, something that would make you feel, you know, the way that you should." He said with a humble shrug. The butterflies already began to fill my stomach, as I slid along the seat to be close to him, resting my head on his shoulder. His hand found its place on my thigh, squeezing it every now and again.

Considering the fact that from what I knew, Thaddeus had little to no table manners, he conducted himself well in the fancy restaurant that he had picked for us. Above us hung a beautiful crystal chandelier- although it wasn't as charming as the ones that hung in his hotel. My stomach was almost bursting, as I tapped my strawberry ice cream with my spoon. I watched him as he ate, noticing his little habits. He made sure that everything was even- the ratios of chocolate cake to whipped cream. He didn't notice that I was watching him, until I giggled when he got a little frustrated by the fact that there was too little cream in that mouthful.
"What?" He asked through a mouthful of cake, I rolled my eyes, putting a spoonful of my ice cream into my mouth.

"You make me laugh." I admitted, talking behind my mouth. He frowned.

"What's with the manners?" He asked, showing me the food in his mouth. I closed my eyes quickly, shaking my head. I heard him giggle. "Honestly, honey, we're untouchable. You can talk with your mouth open and nobody will say a thing. Throw your ice cream- nobody will say a thing. Trust me." He said, his smile sly. I hastily shoved my ice cream into my mouth so that he couldn't attempt to tease me with it.

After we had finished, he took a wad of money from his back pocket, counting out the exact amount. His lips moved as he counted, something that I found incredibly adorable. I chuckled, kicking him under the table to distract him. He looked at me with a false frown, lips still moving as he counted.
He placed the notes down, on the table, placing an empty glass over the money so that it wouldn't miraculously run away from the table.
He held his arm out for me to link, leading me away to the front door.

"How was your food?" The head waiter said, his thick French accent amusing me.

"It was excellent." I said, smiling. He wished us a good evening, my heels clicking against the expensive marble floor. I could already see crouching intruders waiting for us outside the restaurant. I sighed, Thaddeus tutted, pushing the door open, hitting one of the men purposely.

I felt somebody grab me. Somewhere that they weren't entitled to touch me. Thaddeus stopped. I could've sworn that I could hear his heart speed up, I could see it in his face. A vein popped out at the side of his head, as he slowly turned around. They looked at him as if to taunt him, Thaddeus' hands balling into fists by his side. "Do not touch, what is not yours." He said slowly through deep breaths. I went to touch his arm, to assure him that I was okay, but he held out his arm as if to tell me to stand back. There was a flash of a camera, before Thaddeus launched himself at one of the men. All that I could do was stand there, begging him to stop, trying to assure him that I was okay. Yet, he ignored me, grabbing hold of the man's camera, smashing it onto his head. He screamed loudly, kicking the camera into oblivion. The other man stood there in horror, begging the crazed man in front of him not to harm him. I had had enough of the violence, I walked over to him.

"Thaddeus." I said sternly, his eyes refusing to look into mine. "Hey." I said, waving my hand in front of his eyes to catch his attention. He was breathing rapidly, finally forcing himself to look at me. "No more." I said, holding onto his arms, pieces of camera crunching under my feet.

He looked down at the floor, shaking, the man behind me stammering, his friend lying unconscious on the floor. I told him to delete the photos that he had of us, he did so quickly, rushing to show me that he truly removed the photos from existence. I took two notes from a shaking Thaddeus' back pocket, shoving them hastily into the man's hand, ushering Thaddeus into the car that was waiting for us.

There was only one place that I was going, and it wasn't back to the hotel. He would smash the place to pieces. I had to sneak him into my house.
Song Of The Chapter- Don't Take The Money by Bleachers

Quite a lot of the next few chapters are gonna be full of drama, trust me. But it's interesting, and possibly a little frustrating- but it's gotta happen.

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