Chapter 2

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"When I see your face,  there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing.'
             -Bruno Mars

The start of the week seemed to be busy. People were running to and fro. "What's happening?" she asked Lorrie.

"Haven't you heard? Trey has arrived."

"And who is Trey?" Chelsea asked.

"It's short for Terrence. He brought along his 6 year-old daughter, Agatha. They're in the Executive Lounge."

"Ooh okay!" She went to the Executive Lounge to give a note to her boss but she was not able to take a glimpse of the talk of the town. There were a lot of unfamiliar faces so she did not know who among them was the new EVP and she could not stay longer. She still had a lot to do.

Chelsea was typing her weekly report when she heard a girl's voice. "Hi, my name is Agatha Paraiso. My father is the Executive Vice President."

"Hi Agatha, you have a nice name and you are very pretty. I am Chelsea Saavedra."

"What are you doing?" the girl asked.

"I'm doing my weekly report for my boss."

"And who's your boss?"

"He is the Executive Director for Operations. Right now, he is in the lounge with your father."

"I like you. You don't look like the other girls here who were after my father's attention."

"Hahaha you are funny and I like you, too. Come here!" The girl went beside her.

"How old are you? You have a nice hair, too. I hope my hair is as nice as yours."

"I'm six years old. Daddy said he will enrol me in one of the schools near here."

"That's good to know. We will always see each other. Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Not yet. My dad is still busy. I'm hungry."

"Do you want chicken sandwich. My mother made me two. Here" she opened the wrapper first before handing it to Agatha.

"You're lucky you still have a mom. Mine was already in heaven and I missed her a lot!"

"I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry she is always watching over you from heaven."

"My dad said the same thing. You have to meet him." Chelsea smiled at her.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked the girl.

They were both interrupted by a well modulated voice like that of a disc jockey. "There you are, Agatha. I've been looking for you."

When they faced him, Chelsea was confronted with a very handsome man he'd ever seen in her entire life. He seemed to descend from Mount Olympus and what a charming smile. No wonder all the girls were after him. She could not take her eyes off him.

"Daddy, this is Chelsea, my friend, Chelsea, this is my father, Trey Paraiso."

"Nice to meet you, Chelsea.  I hope my daughter did not disturb you."

"Not at all sir. You have a smart and pretty daughter."  Chelsea said stuttering.

"You're right. My only treasure. Thank you for looking after her."

"No problem. Happy to help especially this cute girl." brushing Agatha's hair.

"We better be going. My office is on the fourth. Have to check it out first. Thank you again. Agie say thank you and goodbye to Chelsea."

"Thank you, Chelsea. I'll see you soon."  Agatha hugged her before she went with her father.

She was left spellbound. She could not believe that a man could be that good looking. Then suddenly someone spoke, "How did you find the man of the hour?"

It was Lorrie. Her question did not escape Trey's ears. So he slowed down to listen for Chelsea's reply . "Yeah, he's handsome but not my type!"

"Ugh, that hurts! Suits me for listening" Trey thought.

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