Chapter 6

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"You're like a sudden breeze that
‎blew in my life, a new face, a new smile, new song and now I know I wanted you in my life all along"
            - Stephen Bishop

The week started with an email cascaded to everybody and shocked the whole officedom because no applicant was interviewed yet by the EVP. It announced that the posts for Executive and Department Secretaries for the EVP had been filled up. Names will be announced later pending talks with the successful candidates.

Chelsea was sorting through the correspondence when her phone rang. "Office of EVP Terrence Paraiso, Good Morning. This is Chelsea. How may I help?"

"Hi Cheesy! Trey here. How's everything? Agie will be discharged today."

"Good morning, sir! That's good to hear. Nothing that can be handled, so far!"she said with a tentative laugh.

"Nice to hear your laugh again."

"Anything else sir? Please send my hugs and kisses to Agie"

Then the phone rang again. It was Lorrie. "You won't believe what happened. HR offered me the DS post with an increase in the salary. My contract said I would be reporting directly to the ES. I asked for the name of the Executive Secretary. They said it will be announced later because they haven't talked to the candidate yet."

"I'm so happy for you. You deserved it, Lorrie!" And she thought of her conversation with Trey about Lorrie. She presumed that they were talking of the ES post for Lorrie but apparently it was not what he had in mind.

"Thanks Chelsea, for the vote of confidence."

The phone rang again. It was the VP for HR. "Chelsea, can you come down, please"

Everyone's eyes were on her when she entered the VP's room. Speculations brewed like wildfire that she was the chosen one.

"Sit down, Chelsea. Do you have any idea why I called you here?"

"Honestly, none sir. I was already asking myself if I committed any infraction."

The VP laughed. "That's not a good sign for one who's about to be an ES for an EVP."

"What? How did that happen? I did not apply for the post."

"Trey wants you to be his ES. He does not want anybody else."

"I'm afraid I cannot take the post. I am already the AA for Mr. Patterson. What would I say to him?"

"Trey talked to Rob and they agreed that your potentials are most needed by the EVP."

"Can I think it over first? I'll talk to EVP about this."

"Don't you want to hear the offer before you decide?"

"No, i'll talk to him first." She left the VP wondering why she turned down the offer of the century, a post coveted by all the girls here.

She barely reached her desk when the phone rang. It was Trey. "I heard what happened. Agatha and I are on our way there. We will talk." Then he put the phone down without waiting for her response.

The phone rang again. "Is it true that you're my boss? Congratulations! I knew all along the job is for you." Lorrie was elated.

"I turned it down. Remember I told you I did not apply for the job so why would I take it. There are others more qualified than me."

"That's stupid! Mr. Paraiso won't choose you if he knew you can't do the job. Oh, he's here with his daughter. They are on their way to HR. I tell you he seemed angry. See you later!"

Chelsea was typing a draft of a letter for Trey to check. There was again that buzz in the office.  Then she heard Agatha, "Cheesy, we're here. I missed you!" She received a hug.

"Please call Lorrie. I'll talk to you both in the office." He was not wearing suit and tie but a tshirt and denim.So Trey was the reason for the buzz. How could he not? She tried to avoid looking at this demigod in front of her. She also heard the suppressed irritation on his voice.

When they were seated, "Tomorrow you would be reporting directly to Chelsea. I know I need not introduce you to each other since you are friends. I expect your loyalty and dedication to your job. I am an open person, if there is any problem or concern, feel free to approach me. Is that clear?"

Only Lorrie answered, Yes sir!"

"By the way, Lorrie can you please look after Agatha while Chelsea and I have a short meeting at the conference room?"

As soon as they entered the conference room, "Why me? I did not apply for the job. There are others who are more qualified?"

"Why not you? You are handling my office and my daughter superbly. Need I look for more?"

Then he was looking at her with imploring eyes. "You do not need my supervision. You can act and decide on your own on my behalf. I won't take no for an answer. Or do you need Agatha to ask you?"

"Why you blackmailer!" Then she realized who she was talking to. "I'm sorry, sir, not that you deserve it. I don't mean any disrespect. Can I think it over?

"I told you I won't take no for an answer. I already talked to Rob. If you declined you don't have a job to return to. They already had you replaced. And don't you want to work with your friend or with me. Agatha, I assure you, will be very happy. It's her idea."

"Do I have any choice? I believe that's my contract. I haven't read it yet."

He handed her the paper and they accidentally touched each other's hand. They felt an electricity passed through them. Eyes avoiding each other.

"Wow! I don't think I deserve this offer. If this goes out, the other girls would kill me. Do you really need me to travel with you on your business trips?"

"Of course, who will take care of my needs?" they looked at each other at the same time, then he added, "business needs, of course."

"Before I signed the contract, may I know other rooms for improvement that you noticed for the past weeks?"

He answered negatively. "We will learn everything about ourselves and our work ethics as we go along."

"Anything that would send you aflare?"

He laughed at her question, "You wouldn't want to see me in my black mood. It's very rare but hope you won't see it or you might resign."

She signed the contract. "So help us God!"

An email blast was sent. Giving the names of the successful candidates. The office is abuzzed again, each giving their take on the announcement.

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