Chapter 15

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"Living together, growing
together,  ‎just being together, that's how it starts. Three loving hearts."
   ‎     - Burt Bacharach/Hal David

They spent their first weekend living together out of town. They went on a beach resort and rented a room.  They swam, rode the banana boat, and went island hopping.

The room had only one king bed. So Agatha was between them. Yet it was a nice experience for the three. Trey was contented in holding Chelsea's hand while Agatha was cradled in their arms.

When morning came, Trey and Chelsea were in each other's arms while Agatha was giggling. "Mommy, daddy wake up. I'm hungry!"

In the evening, they built a bonfire.  Chelsea was seated between father and daughter. Chelsea was hugging Agatha while Trey was hugging Chelsea.  They listened to the waves and crackling of the burning woods.

When they went home, they passed by the mall to go shopping and refill their groceries.  Agatha rode on the cart while Trey and Chelsea pushed it. Trey was holding her by the waist. Occasionally, they would kiss. Unaware that a woman was watching them intently. She took several pictures of them kissing, embracing and teasing each other.

Trey was paying their groceries while Chelsea and Agatha were waiting at the ice cream kiosk.  The ice cream started to melt in Chelsea's hand. When Trey saw it,  he licked the ice cream off her fingers. Agatha was amused and looked at them lovingly.  Then, she joined in on the fun.

Monday proved to be a busy day. They took Agatha to school then they went directly to work. Chelsea noticed that all eyes were on them but she did not care, as long as Trey was with her.

She followed him to his room to give his itinerary. He would be going out for an external meeting. She prepared all his things. "Boss, you take care. Call me if you need anything."

"Sure, Mrs. Paraiso. Aren't you going to give me a goodluck kiss? She knew he was only teasing her.

"I'll pick up Agie on my way back. I'll send Alice by herself. I'll call when we are on our way. I love you!"

The last words did not escape Lorrie's ears. Trey intentionally did it.

When he was gone and Chelsea was still in his room, arranging his table, Lorrie came in. "It's true. You are one hot pair. Do you know that you are the envy of tinseltown?"

"I told Trey but he said everything would settle down naturally."

"Aren't you going to tell me everything? I'm so excited. The girl who was not interested was the one who caught the most sought after executive."

"It just happened. Before I knew it, we were already falling for each other and Agie was the catalyst. Promise me, Lorrie, when someone would ask you, neither confirm it or deny it. Trey will handle the situation."

"You're the boss," they both laughed.

I Love You, My Executive SecretaryWhere stories live. Discover now