Chapter 25

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"You and me girl got a lot of love ‎in store and it flows through you and it flows through me and I love you so much more."
    ‎            -Gibbs Brothers

The following morning, there was a big difference in the Paraiso household. There was no animosity and tension.  Trey found his wife and daughter having breakfast by the pool.  "Good morning, Mrs. Paraiso, angel!"

"Good morning, daddy! There's no way, you can't join us today. It's Sunday!"

Trey looked at Chelsea.  "Of course, daddy can join us today." She smiled.

"In that case, I obliged." He jumped in the pool with them. They waded the whole morning and went out for lunch.   Afterwards, they went to the amusement park .  They were a picture of a happy family again.

When they got home, Agatha was too tired to stay longer in the living room with her parents. She asked them to tuck her to bed. "I love you both."

"We love you, angel."

"It's time for me to retire.  I'll prepare your night things, first." She went to their room with Trey in tow.

"Thank you, Mrs. Paraiso. I enjoyed our day."

"Me too." After preparing his things, she also prepared his clothes for tomorrow.

"We have to leave early. You have a meeting at 9. Goodnight!" Then she kissed him on his cheek.

"Good night, Mrs. Paraiso! You can sleep here. I'll stay on my side of the bed."

She looked at him intently. "Alright but just for tonight."

The following morning, speculations were abuzzed again. The couple entered the office both smiling and blooming. They weren't as sweet as before but they never felt any tensions in the air.

Trey did not join Chelsea for lunch because he was still at the meeting. She ate out with Lorrie at a nearby diner.

"I see that you followed my advice." Lorrie started the conversation.

 "I did not want our lives to be miserable so we compromised. He won't impose anything from me that I am not ready to give."

"That's a good start. I have good news!"

"Don't tell me you're already infanticipating? How far ahead?

"Spoilsports but it's three months. Lester was over the moon. He was already starting buying things for the baby."

"I'm so happy for you and Lester.  I'm the godmother, don't forget."

"Of course, my friend."

When Trey returned, it was already time to go home. "You shouldn't have returned. You could have gone home and rest. You still have a full day tomorrow." Chelsea told Trey.

He whispered to her, "And miss the welcome kiss from my executive secretary and the chance to take her home?" She blushed then brushed her lips to his.

"Hi Lorrie, heard the good news! We're so happy for you and Lester."

"Shall we go, boss? Bye Lorrie. My congratulations again to you and Lester!"

"Thank you. I'll tell him!"

Trey held his wife's elbow instead of putting her arms around her shoulder. He saw some kind of sadness on her face. He was afraid to ask because he might not like the answer.  He would wait for her to open up when she's ready.

She was awfully quiet on their way home. Her face only lighted up when she saw Agatha. "Angel, we missed you so much! How's school?"

"Teacher Ann said to remind you of the meeting tomorrow. Please mommy, you gotta go. It will be your first time to go to our school. I'll introduce you to my classmates. I will be the envy of the class because you are so beautiful!"

"Of course, your mommy and I are attending the meeting. Yes, you are right. Mommy is the most beautiful mom in the world!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Paraiso, you have a meeting tomorrow." she reminded him.

"You're my ES so cancel it. I need to be with my wife and daughter," he winked at Agie.

"Daddy's right, mommy!"

 Ganged up by two imps, Chelsea had no recourse but to give in.

I Love You, My Executive SecretaryWhere stories live. Discover now