Chapter 22

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"You don't sing me love songs. ‎You hardly talk to me anymore when I come through the door ‎at the end of the day."
             - Neil Diamond

The following morning, Chelsea woke up. She felt Trey holding her hand. She saw him face down on her bed. Agatha was sleeping on the divan.  She remembered what happened she was bleeding then everything turned grey.

"No, no, no my baby!" she cried. Trey woke up.  She attacked him viciously, "you won't listen to me. You did not trust me. We lost our baby because of you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"It didn't matter whether you knew or not. You don't love me enough to trust me!"

Agatha woke up. "Mommy, you're alive. Don't ever be dead again. It almost broke my heart and daddy's. We love you, mommy!"

"I love you, too, angel. Come here! Give mommy a kiss and hug!" but Chelsea was looking at Trey with so much hatred.

The doctor came in. "All your vital signs are improving. Two more days here and you can already go home, Mrs. Paraiso. However, no stress and more rest when you get home. I know this may sound awkward but I recommend you also consult a Psychiatrist, to help  you cope up with what happened. Sometimes improper or lack of guidance, especially this was your first pregnancy, may lead to depression."

"Thank you, doctor. I'll give it a thought."

When the doctor left, Trey said to Agatha" Baby, go to Alice first, Mommy and I are going to talk."

"I know a Psychiatrist, I can schedule you." Trey told Chelsea as soon as Agatha was out of sight.

"I don't need one. I don't want to talk about it anymore and I don't want to talk to you either. I'm going to sleep. Please leave." Then she turned away from him so he won't see her tears.

When they got home from the hospital, Chelsea moved in to one of the vacant rooms. Agatha questioned Chelsea about the room transfer.

"Baby, mommy is still sick. I don't want to disturb daddy!"

"Alright, i don't mind sharing you mine."

"How sweet of you, angel!  Mommy wants to get well first. Maybe later, can I take you up on that?" Trey was only watching the exchange with sadness.

"Sure, mommy! You know I love you"

"Love you, too, angel! Run along. Mommy and daddy need to talk!" She kissed and hugged her before letting Agatha go.

Then she turned to Trey. "I don't want to share anything with you. I want to leave you but I can't leave Agie. I love her so much to break her young heart. I understand in the eyes of everybody, we are married but in mine, I no longer love you. I hate you and the sight of you. But we can still be civil and professional especially at work. If you wanted to fire me as your ES, that's fine with me. Now, you may leave me alone.

Trey did not contradict her.  He was hoping in due time, when everything settled down, she would change her mind and find in her heart to forgive him.

That was how the family lived their lives. In front of Agatha, they were his loving parents, nothing changed that's discernible to a child's eyes. But, Chelsea never let her anger get in the way of her duties as his wife. She still cooked for him and prepared his clothes and things he would use in the bathroom.

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