Chapter 19

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"Tonight I celebrate my love for you. ‎It seems the natural thing to do. Tonight no one's gonna find us. We'll leave the world behind us when I make love to you"
  - Gerry Goffin/Michael Massur

Trey started kissing her. Every kiss seemed to brand her.  Signing her fate to this man who was now her husband. He kissed her neck and she felt his other hand unzipping her gown. Every where his hand touched, she shivered with delight. Something inside her was starting to ignite.

The more Trey tasted her, the more his hunger of her could not be quelled. Every groan and moan that she gave out was bringing out all the primitive urges he had. He could no longer contain himself, so he took her with him above the clouds of desire and passion. He could go on forever but he knew it was the first for Chelsea so he let her rest.

When Chelsea woke up, she saw her husband looking at her intently and lovingly. "You know I was flattered when I heard you telling Lorrie I was handsome but my ego went flop and had me worried when you added I wasn't your type. And I thought I was supposed to be the most sought after executive."

"You heard that. Now you embarrassed me. My boss was eavesdropping to what's supposed to be a girls' talk."

"Am I still not your type, Mrs. Paraiso?"

"Never, my boss! You are not my type but you are the love of my life. Isn't that enough?" running her fingers to his chin then to his chest.

"You're such a tease, Mrs. Paraiso! You are really a fast learner." Then he started kissing her and made love to her again.

"Mrs. Paraiso, wake up. It's time for us to take a shower so I can take my wife to our first date as a married couple."

"I'm still sleepy and my body is still sore with all the lovemaking we've done."

"Alright, our shower and dinner date can wait. I much better like cuddling my wife." he laid down beside her and started kissing her. Then they made love again and fell asleep.

When they woke up, it was late in the evening for a dinner date. They showered together and ordered room service.

"I never thought I could love a man so much to surrender everything I have and still want to give more to him." Chelsea told Trey and he continued, "I love you with all of me, Mr. Paraiso!"

"I don't believe you. You said I was not your type."

Chelsea laughed, "Now you're holding it against me, my darling boss husband. You are unfair!"

"I'll show you what's unfair, Mrs. Paraiso," he kissed her from toe going up and elicited simpering from her which drove Trey more crazy to make love to her. There could never be enough when it concerned his wife.

After several days of  bliss, the newly weds picked up their daughter and her nanny. They went to Europe as they promised Agatha.

They went first to Paris Disneyland where they had some rides and pictures taken with the Disney characters.  They went to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre,  the Notre Dame de Paris, Champs Elysees, among others.

Next destination was England where they visited The Buckingham Palace. Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Windsor Castle and more.

The family also went to see The Vatican in Rome,  Switzerland,  and Barcelona in Spain. When in Greece. They took a ferry to the islands of Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes, Corfu, and Crete.

It was a well spent holiday for the family. On their plane home, Chelsea and Trey were now seated beside each other and across Alice and Agatha. 

"Happy, Mrs. Paraiso?"

"Very happy boss. I feel as if I'm in heaven!"

"I'll show you later when we get home, what heaven looks and feels like"

Chelsea blushed. Trey laughed at his wife's embarrassment. "I love you when you blush, Mrs. Paraiso."

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