Chapter 3

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"If someone's gonna find you,  first you've got to let them in,  'cause love begins with one hello."
    -Carole Bayer-Sager/Marvin

Every other Saturdays, Chelsea would go to the office to arrange her files and check on reports that came in late on Fridays. .  Nobody was around. It's her ME time. She could work peacefully at her own pace, at the same time sing to her heart's delight. She put on her earphone. She loved listening and singing along with her favorite 'handholding and smooching' love songs while working.

She was so immersed in singing when Chelsea suddenly bumped on a warm, solid body,  Trey caught her when she turned. "Excuse me, Chelsea, sorry to bother your concert." she saw his eyes twinkling while smiling at her.

She escaped from his arms because his musky scent was creating havoc on her feminine senses. She might get used to being in his arms. "What a thought! Stop it, Chelsea!"

Removing the earpiece, "Good morning, sir. Sorry about that. How can I help you?"she stammered. Taken by surprise with his sudden appearance.

"I don't see any secretary around."

"Today is a Saturday.  It's everybody's off."

"I see. But, why are you here when you are supposed to be at home resting?"

"I enjoy working on Saturdays.  There's no one to bother me with my work and music."

"Oh, sorry to bother but I badly need this letter typed."

"I'll be happy to do that for you."

"That's kind of you. I need three copies plus I indicated who the other recipients are."

"Sure. I'll bring it up to your office as soon as I'm done."

"Sorry again to disturb you."

"It's alright. This can wait," indicating her files.

He smiled at her. "His smile was so disturbing. Does this man know his effect on women?" she thought. "Of course, he knew that."

When she finished typing the letter, she took the elevator in going to his office. His office was a combination of white and black, very masculine like the occupant.  She found Trey perusing through the files in front of him.

He saw her through the glass door and motioned her to come in. "This is the fastest I could muster."

"That's alright. You're still on time. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I got to be going. Is there anything else, sir"

"Thank you, Chelsea. I appreciate you correcting my spelling, too" he smiled again.

"I hope it did not offend you."

When she was by the door, "by the way, Agie sends her regards. She misses you already," he said laughing.

Chelsea answered with a smile. "Please tell her I miss her, too. Hugs to her."

She was already going about her work, when she received an email from Trey. It read, "Agie asked me to ask for your number, in case she wants to talk to you. If that's alright with you."

Chelsea emailed back her number with a smiley.  "Fine with me sir"

"Thank you for accommodating my girl's request."

"No problem. Anything for Agie."

It was before lunch when she received another email from Trey.  "I'm going out for lunch. Care to join me?"

"Thank you for the invitation. I had packed me some tuna sandwiches."

"Then invite me to eat the sandwiches with you. I'll order our drinks."

"Alright sir. I'll bring the sandwiches there. Is it okay if I go up after 30 minutes? I'll finish this report I've started."

When she arrived, there were several array of food on the round conference table.  "I still ordered. That's my share and also my thank you for helping me."

"I'll let this one pass, Mr. Paraiso but the next time you ask for help from me a simple thank you is enough. And, there are plenty. You don't expect us to eat them all. If it's alright we can share them with the others who are also working today?"

"Of course, I don't mind. Shall we eat?"

While eating, Trey was asking her a lot of questions mostly about her work, education and interests. "Mr. Paraiso, am I being interviewed for the job?  I did not apply because I am not interested. I love my present job."

Trey laughed at her. "I like your sense of humor, Chelsea. Any boyfriend waiting for you?"

This time it's Chelsea's turn to laugh. "Are you interested to apply?" she asked in a teasing manner.

"Why not? But from what I heard, I am not your type. What's your type?"

Chelsea blushed. "Did Lorrie tell him?  But no way would Lorrie break her confidence" she thought. To Trey, "I'd better go back to my office. Thank you for the meal." She answered abruptly and evasively.

Trey was fascinated by her naivete and how she turned pink with embarrassment. He promised himself that she would be Chelsea's type, come high or hellwater. He pinged her another email.

"Thanks for gracing my lunch.  It had been years since I enjoyed my meal again. Hope we can have another one.

The following week,  Trey called her on her line. "I have no secretary yet. I have a lot of correspondence to look into. Can you help me until they have all been answered, sorted and filed? If that's okay with you, I can call your boss to ask his permission. "

"Do I have a choice?" she thought to herself. "Of course, sir!"

When she went up to him, "Which file would you like me to start with?"

"Here. I hope it's no bother!"

She smiled at Trey. He could see the dimple coming out. She was lovelier when she smiled. He was telling himself and couldn't help but stare.

Chelsea asked, "Hmm sir, is there anything wrong with my face?" she smiled again at him.

"Nothing, I din't know your dimple can make you so attractive."

She blushed so she turned her back on him. 'I'll do these files outside."

Trey went to the conference room. He would be interviewing applicants for the technical engineering department.

Chelsea was filing when the phone rang, "Office of the Executive Vice President, good morning, this is Chelsea. How may I help?"

Nobody answered so "Hello, this is the office of the EVP,  how may I help?"

It was Trey, "I'm sorry Chelsea. Trey here. I was taken off guard. I din't know you have such an attractive voice." stammering he continued, "I forgot the file of applicant, Borj Magbanua. Could you please bring it here? Thanks!"

Chelsea became temporary secretary to Trey. Rumors easily circulated that she was the chosen one.

Lorrie came to ask Chelsea while Trey was on a meeting. "I thought you're not interested."

"This is just temporary. I did not apply for the job and I am not a secretary."

I Love You, My Executive SecretaryWhere stories live. Discover now