Chapter 12

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"And ain't it a miracle that  you'd take a woman like me to love a man like you.."
                 -Teri de Sario

On the plane home, they still have the same seating arrangement. But now, Trey always reached out for Chelsea's hand and looked at her with longing in his eyes.  She could merely smile at him.

"I could not imagine being loved by this sought after man. Once word comes out about our relationship, I'm deadmeat."  The girls in the office would kill her.

When they arrived at the terminal, Trey told Agatha, "Baby, we're going to drop you off the condominium. Nanny Alice is waiting for you at the lobby. Chelsea and I have a meeting to attend."

"Can I come with you? Promise I will be a good girl. I'll stay in your office, daddy."

Chelsea beat Trey. "Sure, angel. We'll be happy to take you along." Then she smiled at Trey saying  "to hold everything in abeyance while I recover."

Trey grinned at her. "I'll get back at you, Cheesy. Don't use my angel against me."

"What are you two, talking about?" the confused Agatha asked. "You're not having a fight, are you?"

They both laughed. "No, angel. Just adult talk." Trey replied.

Trey left the car and key to the valet. They walked inside with Agatha in the middle. Everybody was in awe. They looked like a happy family fresh from vacation.

They left Agie in the care of Lorrie. Chelsea called Alice first to inform not to wait for her ward. They brought her with them. By now, Alice is used to also getting orders from Chelsea.

Trey opened the door for Chelsea when they entered the Conference room and even pulled the chair for her. Which did not escape the prying eyes. Another story will come out for everybody's consumption.

Once in awhile, Trey would glance at Chelsea's direction and their eyes would meet, leaving smiles on both faces. More often, Chelsea would blush.

After the meeting, Trey took Agatha home. From his car, he called Chelsea, "Finish the minutes and I'll pick you up once Agie is safely home. I'd like to take my executive secretary on our first official date."

"I can't tonight. My mother arrives today."

"Nice I'll get to meet her!"

"Not yet!  We already talked about this."

"Alright, how about I'll pick you up and take you home. You haven't given me yet my goodnight kiss."

She blushed. This man could be as incorrigible as his daughter.  "You don't have to come back for that. There would be a lot of time for that. You rest. You have an early meeting tomorrow."

"Fine, you win. Call me when you arrive home. Take care when you go home. I love you."

"Thank you."

"Is that all you can say?"

"Please I have company. Let go!" She heard a click.

The last shuttle had left. Chelsea was walking from the office to hail a cab, when Trey's car stopped in front of her. "Hop in"

"I told you to take your rest. You don't have to do this." Before she could finish her sentence, he was already kissing her.

"I love you, sexy! I still got to get my kiss. Let me take my girlfriend home!"

I Love You, My Executive SecretaryWhere stories live. Discover now