A dog, perhaps? (edited)

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Moving away now seems to be normal for me. I mean how long will a person protest and to whom would I probably go to. I've no one. Yes I'm a orphan and now I'm kinda used to it. It's the sixth time I've been moving since I got a hold of life. They always do it there way, manipulative and abusive self.

My mind drifts to how much of agony my friends - I mean ex friends must be going through right now. If there was any chance of them coming after me I'm sure they would have closed that as well. Ava Lockwood, 17 years old girl . Goes mia after one of her former best friend get brutually murder by an-yea that's what would be on news tomorrow but let it be.

My hair was yanked behind and I couldn't muster up the courage to look straight in her eyes. I think I must've been deep in my thoughts and hence couldn't hear her but then again whatever it is, I know my punishment awaits for me. Gathering up the courage I say " miss " . Yes I know it sounds so weird but they don't let me call them by their original names or their post. So I've gotten used to it.

When they took me in I was 12 years old. I can't remember a thing from my childhood all I remember is I had brothers who maybe loved me . They say I was too much of burden for my parents hence they put me up for foster care. I don't mind now that I think of living with them would've been same as living with this couple is. Ignorance hurt but sometimes it's bliss. I just want people to ignore me as if I never existed.

" Looks like you've forgotten your manners staying with those sorry excuses for human. You're forgetting all your rules. For starters your head isn't bowing down and you are daring to look straight in eyes. Keep your stare down girl. I ask respect for all I go through because of you. " I can see it and feel it. She hates me. Literally hates me for God knows what I did but I can see it clearly in her eyes. If only looks could kill I'd have been six feet under. Looking out I see we've been parked outside of our new House.

black is always my colour the exterior was simple yet elegant it was of two story more than enough for 3 peoples .

Tingling sensation on my cheek brings me back to reality, I didn't bother looking up the leak from my cheek indicates that the slap was a gift from Sir. Whenever he hits, I can make out the difference as his hits are loud and more hurtful. " I don't want to waste my time on you ,so get going. Or else I'm never going to let you forget what I'm capable of. Okay sweet pie." his voice was anything but sweet.

My eyes must be size of sun . I can't imagine going to those Torcher again

"Bring the bags in and place in selective room do so within 15 minutes max or else be ready to face our wrath " loud and authorative voice of SIR said to me to which I just nodded.

I watched them go inside freely , sighing loudly I made my way towards the luggage picked them up only to fall down miserably for a thin woman miss has hell lot of clothes .Carefully picking one at a time I went inside debating which room was who's I went for my better judgement and made my ways .

Finally getting rid of all the luggage I made my way towards my room

it was a grey and white room with black decorations .I floped down on bed closing my eyes in slumber wanting to take a deep sleep from all the travelling but the loud ring of alarm clock made my sleep to fade away at once .Crap! it's already 5 Miss and Sir have a habbit to eat at 6 'o clock ...raising up I went to bathroom brushed my teeth and went for a cold shower , wraping a towel around my naked self I made it to my new closet which I filled with my belonging a pulled out a long grey sweatshirt and loose yoga pants

I went downstairs as I got the room on first floor made it to the kitchen as we didn't have much supply I ended up making French toast with crumbled eggs and hot cup of tea.... food was ready 10 mins before 6... putting the plates in dining I heard heavy footsteps making their way down .

Sir took his usual place at the head of table and miss was on his right hand side I quickly served them their food and went to stand in the corner head low .

They started to devour when sir cleared his throat and said ," Your schools starts from tomorrow at 7:30 , it's 15 mins walk from here . I hope this time you won't repeat the mistake as you should have learned from your past. Consider it as a warning making no friends no boyfriends, stay invisible for all I care as this all shifting makes my head hurt . Am I clear ? "Not knowing what to say I nodded he repeated himself again loudly "am I clear ; Ava ?".

"yes Sir " I replied lowly . "Good now we are leaving for our work . I want you to stay home lock yourself and open for no one unless it's us , okay?" having no room for argument I said "yes"

Shortly they both left for work ....having no appetite left I went back to my room to take a nap ,trying to close my eyes my mind started to drift in past and I was no longer asleep as I heard his cracking voice and loud screams for help jolting up I woke to find myself in sweat dripping from me .He will haunt me forever whatever he had to go through will never let me sleep in peace . I get these flashback since our moving I can't really tell anyone as I don't think anyone is interested.

Making a better judgement as sir miss won't be back before diner I thought of a walk in neighbourhood , grabbing the keys I locked the door and did a double check and went straight not knowing where the roads lead I was summarizing my life when I suddenly felt a tug looking below I saw a branch .Taking a good look of my surrounding I found I was in middle of a forest .

Sitting under a tall tree I no longer was able to contain all the emotions rising up in me feeling no need to hide or fake I let it all out through my eyes .

I seriously didn't realise how long I was here or how long did I cried but all my shivering stopped when I felt someone staring staright to me searching for the owner I looked around only to find myself in a bit of trauma to what to call this thing in front of me...belive me when I say I love dogs but this large brown thing with bright blue eyes put me in confusion to which breed do this species belong.

I was still debating when something likcked away my tears realising how long I was in thought that I didn't realise this thing came so close .Looking at it from so close made me stare into those blue orbs for don't know how long until I heard a animalistic growl when I asked it "Are you a dog or panther "

Hope uh guys liked the first chapter please bless me with ur views as it matters alot to me.

I would change the pov as per the requirement and would let uh know all the thoughts going through the heads of ur characters .

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● so now to questions ;
1 ) what to do think is going to happen
2) what's this thing Ava saw
3) Has Ava put herself in danger

love you guys

       AVA (under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now