Alexithymia(Edited )

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This part is edited.


Ava  :

             Last night was a blur I have not got a single blink of sleep .....the event kept on repeating . More than the highschooler I had dreams and flashes of that unknown person. How he'd strip me and then whip until I'd pass out.

The guys came late from their practise and Saisha was with me till midnight .

   Finally it was morning ..... today's the important match of our football team with its biggest rival as per Saisha .

      I didn't wanted to talk to anyone so I thought of walking alone a bit early to school so that I could ignore them as much as I can .

    I don't know what happened to the guy but I hope not to see him today . I took my things and went to my first class and guess what I saw Emily sitting there glaring to the girl sitting on Ryders lap .

             What the fudge ???? Haven't Saisha said they both are mates and all then why is he doing this ? I could see Emily was on tip of breakdown when that girl started to kiss Ryder he tried pushing her off but she didn't budge and at the very moment Emily left the room quietly even without noticing me .

Enough this shitbag made her upset and I am not gonna sit back and watch it . I made my way towards him and pulled that girl off her and said " He has a girlfriend bitch , go find someone else ."

          She stomped her foot childishly and left I fold my arms over my chest and glared at Ryder who had a panic expression " I made things worse haven't I ?" he asked .

           "What the hell were you thinking Ryder ?" I asked .

          " Ava , I have tried every possible way to asked her to make her believe I love her but she never trusts me so I thought of the way Ashton did with Saisha making her jealous but seems I messed up more ." He looked defeated .

              Poor guy he doesn't know a thing about Emily and I know it's not my story to tell but it's necessary . I need to tell him but will Emily forgive me . I know she won t but I need to take chances one day she will thank me so deeply breathing I said .

            "Ryder she is suffering from Alexithymia . A struggle in confessing one's feeling or emotion . She is not doing it on purpose . she just doesnt knows how to . You need to find a way to help her overcome this . You need to be there for her and make her believe you will be there for her . Girls need emotions more than words you need to prove yourself by your actions and not just words . Now go get your Juliet." I gave his hand a light squeeze .

            " Thank you so much , I will go possibly skip I need my girl as soon as possible ." and then he ran out I shook my head and smiled .

             The day went in blur its lunch now and I am walking with Travis who's holding my hand and all the girls are giving me stink eyes come on girls he's not intrested stop hating me for the love of god .

    Guys have practise and warm up after lunch and we can leave to get ready for the match so it's a half day .

As we reach I saw that girl what's her name ummm---- oh I never got her name sitting on Reecee's lap and running her hand over his side's . 

     A knot tied up in my throat seeing this and I don't know why . Why am I feeling like this's probably nothing .

     Travis lead me towards the table and made me sit kissing my cheeks he said he'll bring me food and it's on him . I saw Reecee and Isaacs has clenched fist,  seeing this but I shurrged it off and started talking to Chad as Saisha was busy making out . They look so cute I wish I could find a true love like this .

          "Dude no kissing our sister in front of us " Reecee said frustate making the couple break out.

           I always love this relations mother father brother sister and all because I never got to experience one . They don't know how lucky they are to witness all this love and affection all these protectiveness and shit . People say the get tired of all the daily drama of brother and father getting protective but I find it adorable .

       It states that there are people who love you and care for you . Who can make the whole world pay for your tears . I mean ever witness a marcho men with kids all his power , fear goes in vain and they act so childish with kids it's simply adorable .

           My thoughts were cut off by a pissed Chad " Yea and you can go on doing Pda in front of your sister with a girl who's not even your mate and is some else's but she can't be with the boy who's only hers to begin with? ." Saying he stormed off the cafeteria and tavis came on the very moment I wanted to go after him but Saisha said he probably wants to be alone .

        " I want you to wear my Jersey baby , will you " by his tone I know it's for show he just wants for people to know I am his girl so I just nodded my head he kissed my forehead and hold my free hand .

          " So Travis you and her are serious ." That bimbo asked batting her fake lashes .

           Travis almost looked at me with loving eyes If i didn't knew better I would 've thought he was serious but I know better than that .

          "I guess so I really like her "

          With that Reece pushed that bimbo off him and she fell with a loud thud and him with Isaac left the cafeteria leaving people stunned and confused and the bimbo shouting profanities . Does it makes me bad if I liked how he pushed her off .....but still it was a bad thing to do.


Thank you

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