First day(edited )

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Ava :

The growl made me step a foot back. The dog or whatever this thing was clearly did not like the name I just called it. I raised my hands up in mock surrender.

" Okay okay,  dude. I get it. You don't like the name I just called you? "

The thing maybe just nodded or at least that's what I made of its expression.

" Cool. But still I can't keep calling you a " Thing " ." By the way you can refer me as Ava. "

He grunted in response taking it as a yes I continue.

" Your fur is brownish but you've got striking blue eyes. I've never seen this shade of blues so how about I call you.... Thunder?"

A small growl of appreciation left thunder. I stepped forward to rub his coats of fur. It was soft and warm.

He again grunted as approval and pushed his head a little more in my hand. A smile graced my lips.

" You know, I had a friend.  Maybe a little more than friends,  he was crazy about animals. " a small chuckle escapes me thinking about him.

The dog looks up in my eyes and tilts his head in confusion.

" Awh,  you're cute. " he again growled not liking my words.

" Calm down. You didn't eat me up because I was crying,  isn't it? Or else by now I'd have been in your stomach,  right? "

He shakes his head and I laugh at the little antics.

" I'm tired of life in general.  Running away every few months. I'm loosing myself a little by little daily.  Can I say this to you?  It's not like you'll tell someone else will you? "

He looks straight in my eyes urging to continue. His eyes screamed human emotions.

" I tired of their beatings.  Just once for once I want to meet my family and ask them why did they do this to me. Why they left me to fend for myself with such people-" my mind hits with the thoughts of how long was I out.

The wristwatch showed 7:15 , oh God. I'm so dead tonight.

" I need to go thunder. I'm so late and if they reach before me,  well come visit me to my funeral. Thanks for listening maybe we can meet again. Bye " saying I rush off to my new home.

Getting the keys out of my pockets I open the door and step in. Immediately the door is closed and I'm thrown down to kiss the floor.

Not the fucking time Ava.

" where were you?  Who gave you the fucking permission to leave this premises? Got some back bones now do you? "

Sir shouts yanking my hairs,  making my head up to face him. His spits fly over to my face and I scrunch up my face in disgust.

" You need lessons dear girl but tomorrow will be your first day at school so I need to hide the marks I'm going to give you. "

Mam emerges from the kitchen with a pair of tongs which were burning. My eyes widen at what was about to happen.

" Now your little Feets will  learn not to run away. "

He makes me sleep on back on floor. My socks are removed and I see their smiling faces before the tongs are  touched to my feets.

A loud ear piercing scream escapes my mouth but a hand covers my mouth to muffle the screams.

Tears keep spilling my eyes until I gave up.

" Get up and make dinner for us. We are hungry. " they both left me to as I was. With a burning feet and hurting heart.


Next morning I woke up before them at 6:30 in morning,  made them breakfast,  cleaned the kitchen and then rushed back to my room to get ready for the day ahead.

Grabbing a washed out jeans and oversized shirt I comb my hair in buns and wore a pair of shoes. My feet are almost healed now. I've got a great healing process.

Rushing out I start my walk to school with the help of map. It's a 30 minutes way to walk and soon in front of me proudly stood " Atlanta High School. "

Welcome to hell hole.


Ryder's pov :

I look to the running girl.

" Let's follow her. She's seems to be in pain. " milo inputs me.

" She's is a human mils. I can't let her know who I'm. And her highness is calling us home for something important. "

Maybe we'll meet again Ava.

I turn back to my human form and ran to my house to see what awaits me.

" That was a great name. I think I should change my name to thunder. Whatya think,  asshole. "

Such a sassy wolf I've got.

" I can hear it Dumbass. "

I roll my eyes at his comment .


Thank you


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