Issac (Edited)

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This part is edited.

Up Zac Efron as Issac

Reece :

Work and work and work. This is the exact reason why I was happy to be born second,  I wouldn't have to be the alpha. But how can you dodge the work if your Alphas are on hiatus? 

But at the time this is the only way I can help my family. 

I was busy with the patrolling reports when my sweet sister decided to annoy me through mindlinking.

Where are you ASSWIPE? Gamma Wilson is again being physical with Lucas come down fast I can't stop him!!!

I immediately let my work go and rush down but as I reached the steps I felt a strong wave of power. It was so strong that made me kneel at a point. Shrugging my body off foreign emotions I descendanted down.  Hearing Ava shout loudly at Wilson and seeing almost everyone surrounding us kneel down infront of her.

Her words sounded weird leaving her mouth.  Since I met her she is the sweetest girl but now it's a 360 turn in event.

Just in time she turns around and I see her eyes pitch black before she black outs..

" Ava,  oh God.  I should have kept you safe.  Maybe this violence took a toll on her body . Ry is she alright. " I hug my hysterical sister down before calling the pack doctor.

All the while one question stocked in my mind,  who is she?

What was the unknown power?


Ava :

My eyes gets blinded as soon as I open them.  The strong lights in the room making it hard for me to see.

" ugh. "

" Ava. Oh dear. " Saisha immediately engulfs me in almost choking hug. Her voice held so much of worries that it made me smile in return.

" She will die soon by being choked to death. " Ryder says smiling at his sisters entices.

" I'm sorry. " we all laughed.

" She must be hungry go bring something to eat for her,  it's 6 now.  She must be hungry. " on cue my stomach grumbles.

I blush red in embarrassment.

" So wanna talk about what happened? " he asks as soon as Saisha leaves.

" I don't remember,  I just remember till I saw the guy hitting the boy,  after that it's a blur. "

He looked confused but smiled nonetheless. Saisha enters with a tray filled with goodies and we start eating as Ryder takes his leave.

" So what next? " I ask her.  I still have time to go home and don't know when else will I find a way to spend time with her again so I ask her.

Her face glows and she says she'll show me around as its already dark outside.

The place is huge.  There are so many antiques here,  she tells me the back story of everything. There's so many interesting paintings as well.

She shows me every room and tells me who it belongs to.  Apparently few more family members of her live here.

Suddenly we stop in front of a door and she started to cry.  I've never consoled a person so I just stood awkwardly there.

" Wanna talk about it? " I ask her.

" This is the room of my eldest brother and twin of Reece,  he left two years  back for some work and have not returned since then.  We miss him so much, Ava.  Reece can't even breathe without him. She goes every week to just get to know about him,  to find him. We all pray for him to be breathing.  Reece didn't gave up.  He stills goes to search for him.  No one knows what happened. "

She opens the door and points to a picture. My breaths gets knocked up. As if I forgot how to fucking breath.

I look back a her and see the similarities which I overlooked before.

On the wall was a picture of four siblings,  one of them was my first love,  the guy I lost my first kiss to,  the person who taught me to trust and love again,  the person who died because of me.

I'm the culprit of this family. No longer been able to hold my emotions I run out as fast as my legs could. Upon reaching the front door I met a guy, or you can say pushed a guy out of my way and ran after saying a small sorry.  I don't even know he heard or not.  I just ran. Not bothering to even look his way.


Thank you

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