Truth( Edited)

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Ava :

Have you ever felt like you've been transferred to a fantasy world?

Like imagine you're jumping off a building and suddenly boom you're hanging upside down ,in mid air ?

I was falling peacefully but now here I'm stuck in air as I can still feel the air brustling past me. Now I can say that I'm sacred as shit.

Suddenly I start moving up as if someone pulling me up. I see my body to see if there's some rope tied around or something but none, none was found.

Soon I could see the edge again and after Few agonizing moment I was stepped on the cliff, back to safety.

" What in the heavens name just happen....... "

Before I was able to get the shock off, I'm in arms of a man.

This day just keeps getting worst.

I try so hard to shrug him off but to no avail.

" Mein welt..... I was so scared.... How can you even think of doing such a thing to your family? " he leaves me finally and now I can take a look at him.

I see myself staring at the same eyes as mine. He had the same eyes. I didn't wanted to but I couldn't stop the comparison between him and me.

He holds my face softly and then smiles.

" We've finally found you back! " he hugs me again.

" Okay dude, back off. I really don't know you and I don't like strangers touching me! " I try yet again to push him off.

" I'm your eldest brother, William and no I'm not leaving you anytime soon, I've just got you back. "

" This isn't fair, why you always get to be with her first ? We found her before you and still you got to hug her before me! " I hear the familiar voice of the guy from the stadium and when we broke apart. I go stand few steps away from him.

With him were Reece and Issac and that another guy.

I'm rounded by strangers.

I rush off to Isaac and Reece before Issac holds me in his arm, while Reece rubs my back.

" And what in the hell do you think you're doing getting all touchy with my babygirl! " he shouts so loudly that I grip Issac close to me.

" She's still not familiar with you all so please give her some time to adjust. "
Issac says.

While Reece asks me, " Are you okay? " his voice held so much of vulnerability that I almost felt love oozing out him.

Shaking those thoughts off me , I just nodded at them.

" Still you can't touch her. " I'm brought back in the arms of that man.

" Let's get you home sweetheart, I'll tell you a story on our way. It's about time for the princess to be back in the palace! " he drags me with him, while others follow back.

Oh God! What else is left to hear now!

Thank you

       AVA (under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now