Shock (edited)

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This part is edited.

Ava :

Ugh!!  Fuck this light.  It's so bright,  I feel like I'll be blinded by it.

I stir up and feel myself slumped on a wood chair in the BASEMENT????

Suddenly the events before I fainted came back. Oh God,  Issac!!  He's alive.

Is he?  Or I was just day dreaming!

To confirm my suspicions I looked around and surely there he was with a bloody face and body tightly tied down to the chair he was made to sit on. His hair have grown a lot longer and I can see the beard up on his face.

All this fucking time,  he was here, with me.

A smile stretchs up on my face by the thought of the happy faces of his family and friends when they will come to know that he's alive.

"Quit staring,  angel. " oh dear lord,  did I miss that voice of his.

" I'm appreciating the fact that your alive! " he opens that blue eyes of his  and then I could no longer stop my self from fanning my hands around his neck and situating myself on his lap.

Inhaling that masculine smell of his,  I'm instantly comforted by him.

" I missed you, Izzy!  Life was hell without you in it. " he rubs my back smoothingly.

I told him ever about me meeting his family and all,  he was surprised at the fact that he was in his home town.

             "What  an awesome moment , but my dear daughter I need to break it ." Angered voice of Sir Said as he approached us.

It feels like it's been years I heard him . But this time I won't fear him , I will stand for myself what I should have done the first time he layed his hand on me . Only if I had courage so Issac wouldn't have to face all the bullshit . But now I know I have to be strong for him for his family I owe this to them , to Reece.

           "What do you want Mr. Lockwood . I am sure as hell you haven't came up to check upon us so why to waste both of our times , let's simply do the work and get over with it . " I spat out all the anger I could muster up.
Isaac's eyes were shining out of pride but on the other hand someone woke up on the wrong side of bed as a tingling sensation was felt on my right cheek  followed by a very aggressive Issac trying to get out of the ropes which held him tight under them . And soon I know what's going to happen but this time I don't know where I am getting this power or feeling to not back out  and that's what I am gonna do , I won't back out .

            Instead of bowing down I stare Back , hard glare straight looking in his eyes . He can never care for me , all I could see is hate and disgust he held for me .

            "You bitch , you have the nerve of staring back at me . Looks like you forget everything which needs to be reminded ." Before I could register his word he tugged up my hair and pulled me up in air , throwing me against the wall .

     The frames hanging on it brokes due to my weight and I fell all the glass pieces piercing through my skull and skin .
        Despite the pain and the blood oozing out from all the cuts I didn't flinch to justify his satisfaction . His smirk fell and a frown took place now it was my turn to smile  " It will take lot more than that to break me this time , try again and yea ..... Try harder . " I said in a calm voice but smiling like idiot.

        He marched towards me all this time a frantic voice of Issac could be heard , bringing up all the left over power I had I looked to him . There he was he had broken off the ropes but 5-6 healthy men were holding him up . Mrs Lockwood was preparing an injection for him and at moment our eyes met .
              It was like he was pleading to stop me , an urge to accept all their demands and let him handle all the pain . I smiled back a assuring smile to assure him this time we both are together in this . I am not gonna leave him suffer all the pain by himself . I promised to be his companion and I will be no matter what the situation is .

By the time he stood in front of me , swinging his leg back he positioned it between my stomach and a hard blow went into it , a cracking sound could be heard  . Looking past I saw Issac passed out , they have injected him . They think it will hurt me or him but no , indeed they helped us in a way .
            Isaac wouldn't have been able to see me getting hit and I could not hold back the tears seeing him broken so it's better he is off to slumber . My thoughts were cut off by yet again a punch in my guts and sounds were heard of my broken ribs by not a single word escaped my mouth .

        Let's see how long this continues.

Reecee :

                 She didn't came to school today. Goddess!  Why was I such a jerk to her yesterday.

She didn't even picked calls from Saisha or Emily. It's all my fault,  I ran away from her like a idiot and she must've thought that I blamed her for Sac's disappearance but no I won't let her go like this,  even if it means that I've to beg on my knees for her.

I was about to enter the car when I got the mindlink from pack doctor . You see yesterday when he asked me to meet , I wasn't able to as he had to attend a sudden delivery I linked back I will meet later but he said

        '' it has to do something with Luna , please come soon ."

           That was enough to get my attention as I made my way to pack house .

           Reaching I saw him sitting on his desk.  "I don't have much time , I need to go somewhere please say fast whatever you want to say . " I said rather harshly then intended to.

           "Please, sit down alpha the news needs all your time and attention it's very important." He replied calmly.

            I sat across him folding my arms against my chest and urging him to continue. The next words from his mouth makes my world stop .

          " Luna is not human "


Thank you

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