Your place (edited)

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This part is edited. 💮


Ava's pov :

The whole table was silent. Everyone looked at me expectantly,  I mean a new girl claiming to see someone is quiet weird. I cringed as soon as I registered my words but the handsome guy in front me quickly covered his shocked expression and masked it with a smiling one.

" I'd have remembered such a pretty face and wouldn't let go of you.  I'm Ryder,  you're? " he asks with a friendly smile.

" She's my new friend and not one of your victim so don't try your luck on her. She's Ava new here. "

We all sat down,  I was introduced to everyone and they're all pretty good and comfortable to be around.

" Where's he?  When is he coming back? " Chad a guy amongst all said,  who he was referring to was unknown to me.

" He'll be back in few days. Searching for you know what. " the conversation died down.

I learned Saisha and Ryder are siblings. They were quads and have two more elder brothers who are currently out right now.  Ive always been enchanted to the family love.  I can see the love shinning brightly in Ryders eyes when I messed Saisha's hair.  A smile stretches up on my face seeing them.

" Hey!  The bell ranged and let me tell you Mrs Jones is harsh to deal with,  she hates tardiness. Better get up before she releases her wrath on us. "

English Lit,  was our next lecture and I found Mrs.jones was actually very hard and didn't like tardiness.  Fifteen minutes to go and suddenly she tells us that we've to do and submit our first project by the end of second week.

Luckily we were paired with the one sitting beside so me and Saisha we're paired up.

" Your place or mine? " she asks whilst packing her stuff.

" Your place, please ."

She smiles and nods. We decided to do it on Saturday this week.

I'm not allowed to bring anyone to my place nor am I allowed to go to theirs,  I've was asked to do my projects alone even if it were group. How am I going to go to her place is left for me to figure out.  But something inside me didn't let me say no to her.

The week passed by in a blur.  I'm now close to the group and day by  day it's getting hard to hide the marks left by my so called Sir and Ma'am.  Speaking about them,  they're quiet busy with God's knows what.  They leave early and are back home late but still the manage to hit me in between when ever possible.

It was Friday and tomorrow I'm supposed to go over to Saisha's place.

" Hey,  I'll text you the address tomorrow. See y'aa. " she hugs me before leaving.

I groan and hit my head on the locker.

Why me??????


The next morning was just like usual. I was dreadful about how to tell them and ask for permission but I guess lady luck was on my side because I found a sticker on fridge saying.

Behave,  we'll be back till 4.

Your bread earners.

I roll my eyes at the last line. Like they feed me enough. But I swirl around in happiness and immediately a tinge appearing on my screen told me that Saisha has given me her address.

I ran upstairs and grab my black jeans and white sleeved shirt covering my arms and lock the doors behind .

The walk was for half an hour but the sight of the mansion infront of me was fabulous.

The mansion was so pretty from outside I could only imagine the interior. I ring the antic looking bell and the door is opened by a boy younger than me. Hes eyes raked up and down before he mutters.

" I've told them not to bring their night stands here,  this one looks innocent Tho. " he clears his throat before asking loudly.

" Who the Fuck are you? "

Before I could say another voice says.

" That's not the way to welcome your guest Lucas. Leave. " Ryder was looking casual in his shorts and T-shirt.

He smiles and says to follow him as Saisha's been waiting for me. We cross many people and it made me wonder how many people live here.

" Enjoy princess. "

We're studying from last three hours.  She's a clever girl and smart enough to do almost everything without help of mine. We were descending down to grab something to eat when I see a man in his late thirties hitting the same boy who opened the door for me and everyone else was just Watching.

I look to Saisha but her eyes were foggy.

A rush of anger serge through my vein a flashback of Me getting hit everyday and I could feel my ears getting red.

Before I knew my legs took me forward as if someone else had control over my body.

" You better leave him alone right now or else I'll not waste a moment before ripping your body into shreds. Leave me. Now. "

My sole focus was on the man and as he registered my words he let's go of the boy and soon everyone is on their knees. Blackness clouds my eyes before I completely blacked out I saw the curious eyes of Ryder.


Thank you

       AVA (under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now