Change ( edited )

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                People say whatever we do in anger makes us regret it later or we hurt the one we love or worst end up hurting ourselves more .

Pain changes into depression which turns into frustration and then Anger . Anger can be good as it changes us or can be very bad as it destroys oneself .

Anything we do in anger is a huge mess no matter good or bad . It changes the person into someone who he / she never were . It makes them hate themselves for being weak pathetic useless and all . It wrecks you in ways you never ever thought of . Not only physical but also hurts you mentally . It is powerful . Very powerful .

           Knowing my actions can backfire but my mind couldn't consume any thoughts my pain turned into anger and now all I want is to change . I want to show this world that no I am not someone who needs protection from someone for survival but can save oneself from all danger . So with one thought I went washroom to clean myself up .


           After making myself look presentable I went to open the door and the scenario made my heart skip a beat . There on stairs were Ryan and Evan sleeping and William was beside my door . Straight on couch were my parents sleeping peacefully in each others arm . I haven't realised yet it was midnight till I saw the watch on my clock . My silhouette seems to be creepy as my mom's eyes fluttered open and as soon as her blurry vision sets on me Happy tears started to flow down . And she left dad to come up to me which made dad fell with a loud thud on floor and my brothers bolted up .

         ''Oh , sweety . Are you okay ? oh curse me you aren't okay . You haven't ate for a while and your eyes shows lack of sleep . I'll get something for you to eat " she said without a stop .

          "Mom she can't breathe ." Evan chuckled from behind as I wasn't in position to speak . Eventually my mom left me to bring something to eat and I was soon face to face with my Dad's chest in a warm hug .

           "You're too special to waste your tears and time on some guy baby girl . So never do that again . Never harm yourself . You're our sunshine . okay ."

          I only nodded unable to speak .

         Next were my brothers showering me hugs " never ever do that again . Or I swear to god I'll kill those stupid boys bare handed '' they said in unison which made me laugh .

          After eating and saying goodbyes to my parents I stopped my brothers .

          "What is it girl ?"Ry said .
             "I want to change ." I mumbled

            "What ?" three of them said .

             "I said-"
             "We heard what you said we are asking why ?"Eve said .

           "Because I ask weak , pathetic , stupid and I want to change that . I want people to know I am enough-"I was cut off by my own sobs . Thinking about it hurts all over again .

          "Oh babygirl . You don't need to change you are good the way you are . They need to change their mentality and the thing about change all you need is to learn how to use  your power . Which we three will teach you . But from tomorrow now all you need to do is rest . Come on go to sleep ." Will said .

       Little did they know sleep was long gone and now it's time for change . Time to show what I got and do something for myself.


Thank you

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