Powers ( edited)

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Ava :

I haven't talked to anyone yet. I just stood there emotionless, staring at the died man's corpse. Thinking of various reasons why they're after me but I haven't came across any yet.

I tried hard not to think about the threat but my mind seems to drift in that direction the harder I try not to think of it .

Everyone tried. Tried hard to talk to me. I've seen it, being abused, being hurt, being Torcher but someone dying is not a daily occurrence for me and I could'nt get over that fact.

My stomach grumble and I realized its midnight and I haven't eaten yet, staying with the wingets and now with my family has helped alot with my hunger issues.

So as I tip toed down and opened the fridge for anything edible I saw a chocolate cake with a note on it.

I knew you'll get hungry . Enjoy .

I smiled as I saw the cake. Shock fills me as I see Ryan already been seated there, he motioned for me to sit and eat and I did so without any problems. The cake was simply amazing, something I haven't tasted yet, a soft approval sound came from my mouth when Ryan said, " I wish I could read minds like, William. So I could've know what you think about the cake I made myself for you and what's going in that head of yours. So you don't have to go through the pain so remembering it again.

I stopped midway and kept my spoon down. I look up to him. They're hiding stuff, I've came to know about it from the earlier events. I won't lie and say it was okay, I know they're giving me time to adjust but today's event made me realize what I'm and what kind of danger I'm surrounded with.

" You guys are hiding things and I know it it's for my best interest but I'd rather learn it from you guys than some stranger. I'd hurt to hear people say, don't you already know it. "

He stood up never breaking the eye contact and stood in front of me and said "What you want to know ?"

"What am I ? Do I have mates ? who is he ? Why are people after me ?"

" Your mates are the one who should come and claim you, I don't have the authority to tell you about it. Who is he ? That question is still unanswered to us, we're trying to find out. They're after you because you're the strongest soul alive in the world of supernatural.

A creature with so many powers. Your husband will be the strongest man alive because there's no one who can stop you. Your kids will hold unbeatable powers. They'll be a new generation in the world of supernaturals.

They want you for that power. They want to use you. "

Me? Did he said I'm the strongest soul alive?

Goodness dear! I couldn't even save myself how in the world could I have so much of power. There's no way in hell it's true, isn't it?

He pats my head and says, " William with talk to you. Don't think too much about it. We'll be there for you at every moment. Okay? Now go to bed after finishing it. " and then he leaves , but sleep was nowhere long gone.

Who in the world are my mates? Do I even have one? Do I even deserve one? Am I really a strong person?
Thank you

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