°Chapter 1°

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Song: Lovely By Billie Eilish & Khalid

"Wake up and make me breakfast, now!" I heard someone yell in my ear and I jumped, almost falling out of bed.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I looked up at my step dad, who wore a smug look on his face.

"Make your own damn food." I mumbled, pulling the blanket back over me, closing my eyes again.

The cold air slashed at my skin, as he yanked away my protection. His hand grabbed my hair and he pulled me up to my feet. "Do as you're told." He growled. "Your mother and I will be waiting in the living room." Then added. "Ten minutes." Before slamming my bedroom door shut behind him as he stomped down the stairs.

Sighing, I stumbled over to my closet, not paying attention to the outfit I'd picked out. I walked into my attached bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, dragging my hand through my knotted hair.

My shower was broken, so I had to go without showering.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth, before getting into my clothes. Then, I grabbed my hairbrush from my shelf and attempted to brush the knots out, but in the end I just pulled it into a messy ponytail.

I didn't have anyone to impress, so what was the point in trying?

As I walked out of the bathroom, my phone vibrated on my night stand and let out a ding.

I picked it up and unlocked my phone, going straight to my messages.

Zoe: What time should we pick you up?

I shook my head with a small smile as I quickly text her back.

I'm going to be running late, don't worry, my mom will drop me off :)

Of course it wasn't true that my mom was going to drop me at school, but I knew I was going to be late.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." My mom yelled, through my bedroom door.

"Oh, shut up." I called back, my eyes narrowing, as she pulled the door open. "Did I say you could come in?" I scowled.

"I didn't ask." She glared back at me from the doorway. There was an uncomfortable silence between us, as I packed my bag for school, and I heard her sigh. "Why are you giving me attitude, Emily?" She asked, quietly, and in the corner of my eye, I saw a slight frown form on her lips.

"You know why." I said harshly, but tensed up when she took a step into my room.

"No, I don't know why." She snapped. "I don't get it, we've got a massive house, you have a huge, gorgeous bedroom and we give you money and food. What else could you possibly need?"

"Love." I spat, my head whipping her direction.

Another moment of silence settled between us.

"L-Love?" She stammered, obviously shocked.

Clearing my throat, I turned towards my bag again, but looked down at the floor. "Yes, love." I told her, quietly.

"But, we give you everything." She said and took another step towards me.

"Money doesn't buy happiness, you know?" I whispered.

"Yes, I know, but your father-" She started, but I let out a frustrated cry.

"He's not my father." My hands clutched tightly onto the dresser in front of me, afraid I was going to pass out. "He never has been and never will be."

"Why not?" She questioned.

"Because he's a twisted man." I spun around, pissed off. "He's isn't even fit to be called a father and you're not fit to be called my mother."

"He abuses me and you let him, he orders me around and you let him, he tried to rape me and you let him." I screamed. "I thought you were my mother, I thought you'd love me forever, I thought you'd protect me forever."

"I thought you'd hold me when I'd fall over, I thought you'd tell me you loved me, I thought you'd tell me that I was beautiful, no matter what anyone would say." I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. "But eleven years ago, you let that asshole walk in here and change everything."

"I thought my dad was the worst man in the world for walking out on you, whilst you were pregnant with me, I thought that no one could be that cruel to a woman and their child." I sighed. "But, I was so wrong. He probably walked out on you because you're a bitch. You're a bitch that married the asshole who ruined my life."

I ended my rant, looking her right in the eyes. They had many emotions held and I felt relieved to get it off my chest.

"Get out." She whispered and it took me a minute to process what she was saying to me.

"What?" I asked, horrified.

"I said get out." She snarled, watching me with disgust.

My eyes narrowed again. "You can't kick me out."

"Try me." She seethed. "Now, get out of my house and don't come back until you've learnt to behave."

She was kicking me out?

After all that I said, she's kicking me out, instead of rushing to sort out divorce papers with her lawyers.

Huffing, I zipped my bag up and chucked it over my shoulder.

"I hope you're happy." I spat, before walking down the stairs.

Shoving my shoes on, I looked up, feeling as though someone was watching me.

It was my step dad, Danny -or as I like to say his real name, Daniel.

"Good riddance, Emily." His lips pulled up in a sick smirk. "And don't worry."

"Why would I worry?" I seethed, pushing myself off the step I was sat on.

"Your mother's in safe hands." He winked, a sickening mischievous look sparkling in his eye.

"Hurt her in anyway and I'll kill you." I stood by the door, my hand gripping onto the handle.

"No, no, no." He shook his head, tutting. "You shouldn't threaten me."

"I don't give a shit, Daniel." I stated. "I don't care if she doesn't love me and I don't care that she has never protected me from you."

I paused, my nose wrinkling in disgust as I looked him up and down.

"But, I love my mom and I'd do anything for her, so if I find out you've been doing shit to her, I'll come back and break every bone in your body.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, although I saw a hint of fright evident on his face.

I opened the door and stepped outside, slamming it shut behind me.

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