°Chapter 14°

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Lilian's P.O.V (Emily's mom)

"Look, I need you to help me." I spoke into the phone, desperately. "I called you yesterday, but it's my daughter, she still hasn't come back from school and that was two days ago." I deeply inhaled through my nostrils, glancing up at my furious boyfriend.

Daniel was pacing back and forth, tugging at his hair in distress. If it wasn't for my ungrateful daughter then he wouldn't be like he is.

"Miss, we're doing everything we can to help you, I can assure you. There should be a news report going up tonight but we are busy with trying to help others too." The officer told me in a kind but irritated tone. "If we find her, we'll let you know right away."

"Okay, thank you." I hung up the phone and slammed it down on the table. Anger coursed through my veins and I took another deep breath before standing up. I walked over to Daniel and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry, Danny. I, honestly, am."

"It's not your fault, Lilian." He sighed, stroking my blonde hair. "Once we find that girl, I swear I won't hesitate to kill her. I'll have to put a chain on her to make sure she doesn't ever escape again." His voice came out in a growl and I tightened my grip around him.

"What did Wyatt say?" I asked in a murmur, resting my head on his arm, as I rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"He said he'll look into it. I told him as much information as I could and he told me he might have an idea where she is." He told me and dragged his hand down his face, looking aggravated. "I swear, that daughter of yours is going to get it if she isn't careful."

"I agree." I said, not missing a beat. "How does Wyatt have an idea of where she could be?" I asked, distantly, going through my mind of what could've happened. A light bulb went off in my head and I gasped, spinning on my heel.

"What is it?" Daniel called as I dashed into the hallway. I snatched my car keys off the hallway table and put on my shoes. I grabbed my coat and turned to Daniel with a half scowl, half smirk on my face.

"I know where she could be." I stated and threw the front door open. "I'll see you later." I called as I slammed the door shut behind me.


I banged on the front door with my fist, my teeth bared. I felt the anger wash over me in rapid waves as I awaited for someone to open the damn door.

It was yanked open and there stood my pathetic daughter's friend. Her eyes widened but before she could speak, I shoved past her and entered there house, frantically looking around.

"Where the fuck is she?" I seethed, starting to walk in and out of rooms in search of the little bitch.

"Mrs Carter," Her friend started, putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned my body around so I towered over her and I ripped her hand off my shoulder, holding her wrist in a told hold which she wouldn't be able to wriggle out of.

"It's Miss Adams, actually." I spat and lowered my face down to hers. "Zara, I swear you better tell me where my daughter is, right now." I sneered.

"I-It's Zoe." She stuttered, her eyes going wide with fear, causing me to scowl as I grabbed her chin with my other hand, yanking it towards my face.

"I don't give a fuck what your name is, tell me where my fucking daughter is!" I yelled, looking in the corner of my eye, only to see that a boy looking around a couple of years older than Zara -or whatever her name is- glaring at me, standing behind the girl.

"May I ask who you are?" He raised his eyebrow, snatching Zara's wrist out of my hold. When I didn't answer, continuing to glare at my daughter's friend, he turned to her. "Zo, who is she?" He asked and could see the vein in his forehead sticking out, showing that he was angry.

"Emily's mom." She murmured, nursing her wrist close to her chest, causing me to roll my eyes. I didn't even do it that hard, I do it much harder to Emily, sometimes so hard that she passes out from her circulation being cut off.

"Oh." He said in a cold voice, adverting his eyes to mine. "And do you do this to Emily, Mrs Carter?" He asked and I scowled at him, dusting my hands down on my jeans.

"Actually, it's Miss Adams. Emily doesn't like using my boyfriend's last name so she stuck to her dad's last name, the selfish bitch." I muttered the last bit under my breath, but I knew they could still hear me.

"I'll repeat my question, Miss Adams." He snarled at me but I just put a hand on my hip and looked down at my nails, gently blowing on them before glancing at him. "Do you do that to Emily?"

"Oh, nothing like what I've done to your precious little sister. It's much worse than that." I sent him a fake, sweet smile which eventually turned into a smirk. "I mean I shouldn't take all the credit though, my boyfriend is great at knocking some sense into her."

"We can tell the cops, ya know?" The girl -Zara- snapped at me, fear hidden deep beneath the balls of flames that sparked in her eyes.

"Oh sweetie, you have no proof." I laughed, leaning forwards as I put my hands on my knees. "Now, tell me where my daughter is and I'll leave you and your brother alone." I told her in a voice which some people would use towards a five-year-old.

"She's not here." Her brother spoke up, clearing his throat. "I don't trust you around Emily now that you've told us hat you've been doing to her." His jaw tightened and he wrapped his arms around Zara's shaking shoulders. "Once we've found her, you'll never see her again." He spat at me but I laughed it off, unfazed by his attempt to be threatening and intimidating.

"I have custody over her, not you. So if you were ever to find her, you better tell me otherwise I'll have you handed over to the cops for keeping my young daughter hostage." I feigned another smile before walking over to the door and paused, my hand brushing over the door handle. "Oh and if she does contact you, tell her she better hide because once we bring her home she's not going to be able to leave the house for weeks after her punishment." I opened the door and stepped out, slamming it shut behind me.

I walked down the driveway and unlocked my car with a sigh. I got into the drivers side and rested my head against the steering wheel, a groan escaping my lips as I rubbed my hand up and down my forehead.

I don't know why I tried so hard to look for my daughter but once we found her, I was going to make sure to show her that she would never be able to run away from home again.


Ahhhhhhhhhhh omg guys!!!!!!!!!! I know this chapter won't make up for how long I've made you wait but I hope you enjoy it. I haven't exactly planned out how the rest of this story's going to go so please, please, please tell me what you want to happen next and I'll see what I can stir up xx

P.S. Omg I have just started a new thriller story called 'Eat to Inflate', please checkout the story as I have already published a chapter from it and let me know if you like it!!!

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