°Chapter 12°

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"Em, please open the door. What's wrong?" I heard Cole knock on the door. He hadn't left me alone for what seemed to be hours and I felt the urge to open the door and tell him everything, but at the same time I just wanted to stay in my room and keep my emotions to myself.

The lock jiggled and my eyes widened as I leapt off my bed, the force making my hair fly into my face. The lock was unlocked as I had almost reached it and it swung open, stopping me in my tracks.

Cole stood there with a key in his hand and as soon as he saw me, his face fell, seeing my dry, tear-stained face. I sank to the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees as I pulled them to my chest and for the second time that day, I was crying.

I cried for my mom not loving me. I cried for the abuse at home. I cried for feeling like a burden and I cried knowing what that boy wanted to do to me.

I felt muscular arms wrap around me and they pulled me into them. I immediately clung on to him, my tears probably soaking his shirt.

"Shh, tell me what's wrong." Cole whispered and scooped me off the ground, gently setting me down on the bed, sitting down next to me. His fingers rubbed invisible circles on me back in attempt of calming me down.

"Everything." I sniffled as I started to calm down. I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand and sat there with my head nuzzled into Cole's chest.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed, letting my head arise from his chest as I stared into his eyes.

"Mom, her boyfriend, basically everything." I muttered and looked down at my feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"He can't hurt you here and if he manages to find you, I'll protect you from him. He won't be any match against me!" He puffed out his chest and grinned, making a light giggle slip from my mouth. His eyes suddenly darkened as they swept across my face and he gently grabbed my chin. "What's that bruise on your jaw?" He growled out through clenched teeth and I sighed, before telling him about what happened.

His eyes were narrowed into slits once I had finished explaining to him and he looked ready to kill someone.

"I hope they get hit by a bus." He scowled and I sighed, shaking my head slightly.

"You should never wish death upon someone." I told him and he gave me a stern look, which wasn't at all intimidating which I was guessing that was the vibe he wanted to give me.

"I never said 'I hope they die', I said get hit by a bus." He answered, bluntly, and I rolled my eyes at him, which was code for "you're an idiot".

"Yeah but there's a high chance of death." I told him and he snorted as he tossed my thin strands of hair around in his loose hold.

"Oh I'm sorry Dr.Know-it-all but those pricks got away with hurting you and I'm just trying to look out for you." He stated and my face softened as a frown pulled onto m lips. I nodded at him with a sigh as I dragged my hand down my face, dropping it into my lap.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't exactly like talking about death or wishing death upon someone." I mumbled, bowing my head to my legs but Cole slipped his finger under my chin, pulling it up so I was looking at him again.

"Why? I mean, I know that it isn't exactly a nice subject to talk about but you seem to flinch every time you hear the word death." He paused, seeing me cringe but I quickly brushed it off, becoming stiff under his gaze. "So, what's wrong?" He asked but I just shook my head, shrugging my shoulders at him.

"It's fine, I don't even know myself." I lied and he gave me a look as if to say "I don't believe you" but he didn't say anything.

"Well, I'm going to McDonald's, you want anything?" He asked and I pondered for a moment before shaking my head. He shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself." He mumbled, bluntly, and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked out of my room.

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