°Chapter 22°

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I blew a strand of my blonde hair out of my face as I sat on the hospital bed. We'd only been there for twenty minutes and I was already getting bored.

The plain white walls were making my eyes burn with how bright they were, especially with the lights reflecting off them. It was like trying to stare into the sun without burning your eyes.

The doctors had wrapped my arm and done shit to it which I had no idea what any of it was. Then they left and one of them said to wait whilst they talked to Sandy and my dad and sorted out some more shit - which again I had no idea of what any of it was.

My brothers and I, except for Alexander and Parker, were all sat quietly in the room, the slow ticking of the clock being the only thing that was heard. It was kind of awkward. I mean at first, they came in all angry and yelling but then calmed down - well at least I thought they had.

"How did you know him?" My head snapped up at the sound of Cole's voice and I saw that all eyes went from Cole to me in seconds. "It's obvious that you knew him because he obviously wanted to get back at you for something. So, what was he to you? An ex-boyfriend?" All my brother's seemed to flinch at that and I mentally rolled my eyes but looked down at my lap with a sigh.

"We were friends when we were younger but... something happened." I knew that all of them - except for Hayden - were eager to know what happened so I decided that I wouldn't waste their breath. "I was the reason... I killed his sister." I mumbled and the room went really quiet. I looked at Hayden, practically begging him to say the rest and he nodded, looking at the others who wore shocked expressions.

"It was an accident. She ran out into the road, not knowing that there was a car there and the boy's sister pushed her out the way." He explained for me and I bit my lip, pinching at my skin as I felt the blame for her death come back to me.

You killed her. Jake had a right to almost kill you. What good do you do to the world anyway? My conscience barked and I mentally flinched, hating the echoing of the voice that was stuck in my head. This guilt you feel will soon drive you to kill yourself which everyone seems to think is a good idea so don't let your life drag on for too much longer.

"You didn't kill her then." Luke stated and I shrugged my shoulders, tears and sadness becoming numb to me at that moment as I reminded myself how weak it was of me.

"I was the reason she died." I whispered, my eyes locking with his exhausted ones, for the first time in a week, as I twiddled my thumbs and shifted in my space. "So therefore I must've killed her, right?" I stated, cocking my head at him.

Liam sighed from next to me, taking my hands in his, causing me to look at him. "Emmy, you didn't kill her, that car did." He told me, softly. "It was all an accident. It wasn't anyone's fault." He said but I shook my head at him.

"Still, it should've been me instead of her." I commented, quietly. The room when quiet again, a thick tension in the air and that's when Blake decided to speak up and make the situation even worse.

"Is that the reason why you're not eating?" He asked and I froze as everyone's heads snapped towards me, eyes hardening. Blake didn't seem to realise his mistake and just stared at me like the others, waiting for a reply.

"I-I told you." I removed my hands from my twin's grasp and looked down at my legs, my eyes narrowing. "When I was beaten up, it reduced my appetite." I lied, wanting to wipe away the beads of sweat which were forming on my forehead but then that would make them think that I was crying.

"Shit, you have gotten thinner, how the fuck haven't I noticed?" Luke cursed, placing his head in his cupped hands as he groaned in frustration. "Emily, tell us what's going on now! Why are you avoiding me and Blake and why aren't you eating?" He asked and they all gave me pointed looks, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine." I lied again, my voice cracking slightly. I cleared my throat and pushed away all emotions, as I put on a blank face.

"You're not fine." Liam said and I sighed, throwing my legs over the side of the bed, starting to push myself off but everyone reacted quickly, yelling at me to stay where I was and Liam lightly pushed me backwards so I would stay on the bed.

"Relax guys, I just need to go to the toilet." I rolled my eyes and hopped off the bed, no one stopping me. "I'll be back in a bit." I chirped, feeling happy to just go off for a few minutes without one of my brothers breathing down the back of my neck 24/7.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Luke asked as he grabbed my wrist, - stopping me from wandering out of the room. I sighed with a slight shake of my head.

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine." I answered with a tight smile and he scoffed.

"Let me rephrase that." He told me. "One of us are coming with you." He said and I frowned. There goes my few minutes of freedom.

"Luke, it's a hospital. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked and he cocked his head at me, raising his eyebrows at me. I stared at him, waiting for him to stop looking at me like I was stupid.

"Are you serious?" He asked after a while and I shrugged my shoulders, lazily. "There are really ill people in this hospital, Emily. What if you got lost and walked into a room filled with contagious patients?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"There are signs all around the hospital." I said in a 'duh' tone and realisation struck his expression for a moment before disappearing and he cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I still think someone-" He was cut off when the door to the hospital room was slammed open and in ran someone that I thought I would never see again...



I know guys, I know. I am so so so sorry for the long wait and I know this chapter won't make up for that, but I have been so busy and also haven't had any ideas for what could happen, so please leave some suggestions for me.

Thanks guys xx :)

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