°Chapter 15°

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Luke's P.O.V

I slammed my fist into my desk as I narrowed my eyes at my younger brother. He didn't seem too happy himself with the current situation we were in.

"What do you mean 'he knows who our sister is'?" I scowled, knowing who Hayden was talking about just by saying 'he'.

"He also knows Emily's stepdad and threatened to tell him where she was." He told me and I bared my teeth, looking behind my shoulder and at Blake who stood in the doorway to my room, his arms crossed as he looked down at the carpet.

He looked distant and I knew he hadn't heard any of what we were being told. I could've snapped his neck in half for not being serious in a moment like now.

"Blake?" I snapped and he lifted his eyes from the floor, cocking his eyebrow at me, confusion evident in his eyes. "Did you hear any of what Hayden just told us?" I growled, feeling my fists clench by my sides.

"No," He dragged out, his expression showing that whatever it was, he didn't care. "What did he say?" He asked, clearly pretending to be interested in the conversation.

"Oh, nothing much." I spat, sarcastically. "Just that he knows who Emily is." I stated, feeling my chest heave, rising and falling every few moments. Blake's expression turned from uninterested to shock to anger in a flash.

"What? How?" He spluttered, tripping over his words. He grabbed onto the door as if he was about to faint and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't know, but apparently he also knows Emily's stepfather and has threatened to tell him where Emily is." I explained, basically just repeating everything that Hayden said, just because a certain dipshit wasn't paying attention and was in his own little world. "We need Emily to get that laptop." I muttered, running my hand through my tangled hair.

Blake nodded his head and muttered a quick "I'll go get her" before running up the stairs. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion when I heard yelling and seconds later, Blake walked down the stairs with Emily over his shoulder.

"Got her, let's go." Blake nodded to the door, casually, whilst Emily just pushed her hands against his back to try and get him to let go.

"You guys have got to stop kidnapping me." Emily scowled in a mutter but I heard her and only shook my head, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips as I grabbed my keys and made my way outside, towards the car.


We pulled up a few doors away from Emily's house and I turned in my seat, guilt consuming me when I saw her body freeze and her eyes widen in shock. However, she seemed to snap out of that trance and her eyes narrowed at me and Blake.

"Hell no." She spat, her shoulders still tense. "I'm not going in there." She shook her head and I sighed in frustration, turning back to the steering wheel as I gripped onto it, my fingers curling around it.

"Emily, you need to go in there. We need that laptop and-" I started to reason with her but she cut me off, a deep scowl plastered across her face.

"Do your stupid brains realise that if I go in there I might be killed?" She questioned, her light green eyes were now dark with fury. She seemed so big yet so small. It was as if she was scared of what was about to happen but angry at us for forcing her to go into the dangerous home.

"Just sneak in there and grab the laptop. If you hear anyone, just hide." I told her, trying to be reassuring but I was failing miserably. "Call us if anything goes wrong and tell us when you've got it, okay?" I asked and she looked down as she bit her lip, hesitant and nervous, before looking back up at us with a small nod.

"Okay." She murmured and without any other words exchanged, she unbuckled her seat belt and left the car, not looking back.

I watched her as she sneaked up the driveway, cautiously looking around before climbing over the tall gate which probably led to the backyard. She took her time, being careful in not making any noise.

Once she was out of sight, I drove down to the end of the street and left the street, in search for a cafe that we could hang around for a while, whilst we waited for Emily to retrieve her laptop.


Emily's P.O.V

I couldn't believe those dickheads left me to get a stupid laptop. What made the situation worse was that my mom and Daniel were definitely home since they didn't go to work on a Friday.

I crept across the lawn and stared at the back door with a feeling of unease deep in my stomach. I knew that something was going to go wrong, I just knew it.

It was a shame that moment came too soon.

I was grabbed from behind but before I could scream or cry for help, a hand shot over my mouth, pressing down so my shouts became muffled.

A familiar face entered my view, a satisfied smirk danced upon his lips as he gave a curt nod to whoever it was holding their hand over my mouth.

"Oh Emily," Daniel tutted, shaking his head as if I had just gotten and F on a test. He feigned disappointment, crossing his arms over his chest. "Did you really think you'd get away?" He asked, rhetorically, whilst I glared at him. I wished that my anger could actually turn into flames so I could burn the man in front of me.

My stepfather gave a look to the person holding me and the hand released my mouth but an arm was placed around my neck, wrapping tightly. It was getting harder to breathe as the arm pushed more into my throat.

I clawed at the person, pressing my fingernails into their skin, failing to try and make whoever it was to let go. I gasped as the little amount of air got to my lungs and Daniel laughed, nodding his head again.

The arm loosened around my neck but still stayed there. I scowled at Daniel but he seemed unfazed as he shrugged his shoulders at me. I wanted to yell at him, even scream at him, but I couldn't find my voice. It was like it had disappeared.

"What's the matter, Em? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled and I let a growl escape my lips as I kept my eyes narrowed.

"Let me go, Daniel. Haven't you given me enough beating in the past?" I asked, already half knowing what his answer would be.

"There could never be enough beatings for you." He laughed, the bitterness clearly evident in his tone. "You brought this to yourself, Emily. You tried to escape me and -of course- you didn't succeed, so now you must pay the price." He explained, casually, and I inwardly groaned. "By the way," He added, his smirk spreading more across his lips. "Once I'm finished with you, you probably won't be able to move for weeks but that's okay because you're not going anywhere, correct?" He questioned, the seriousness on his face being over took by his intimidating posture.

"We'll see about that." I told him, trying my best to be confident but I was positive that the situation I was in wasn't going to end well for me. There was a feeling of nausea in my gut and I inhaled deeply through my nostrils, reality hitting me like a tonne of bricks.

Only god knows if I'm going to make it out alive.


Hi guys, I apologise that you had to wait so long but I finally got the story back in place. Thank you so much for your ideas, they helped me a lot.

Before I go though, I'd love for those of you who haven't to check out my new story. The first two chapters are up and I'm sure the third will be up soon.

I'll try my best to get another chapter out soon and thank you guys so much for your support, you have all been amazing xx

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