°Chapter 31°

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Cole's P.O.V

After what seemed like days of walking when it really was only a few hours, Emily and I arrived at the front door, both exhausted. I felt more bad for Emily though, I could tell she was in a lot of pain even though she didn't show that she was.

I drew in a deep breath before lifting my fist and rapping on the door. I made a mental note to beat the shit out of Wyatt when I saw Emily flinch at the loud sound. Even though I knew it was Daniel as well the man was totally likely to get thrown down in prison and beaten up by other inmates so I wanted him to rot in prison instead of kill him myself.

The door was thrown open and there stood our dad himself. His hair dishevelled and his tie dodgily lopsided. His appearance was terrifying; he looked like a mad man.

"Oh my god." He breathed out, throwing his arms around me and Emily. I patted his back and he tensed, almost as if he didn't think it was us. "You're here; you're alive." He sniffed and I pulled back to find two policeman standing behind him.

"Mr Carter, are these your children?" One asked and my dad turned his back to us for a moment but had a tight hold on Emily's hand and his arm slung around my neck. He seemed too afraid to let us go again and I understood him holding Emily's hand but I was an adult, he didn't need to keep an eye on me.

"These are two of them." My dad  answered, his voice quivering as if he was about to cry. He was scared. I mean he had lost all of his ten children and then only gotten two back; I'd be pretty damn scared too.

"Sir, can we step inside? We'll need to check for any major damage that could've been done to your kids and then we'll see if they can remember where they travelled from." The other cop stated and I glared at my feet. I hated when people would talk about me when I was in the same room, hearing range.

"Of course, officer." My dad ushered us into the house and into the front room. I watched Emily sit down on the couch and it looked so painful. Her face twisted up in agony and I wanted to help her but the stab wound in my left shoulder was killing and I had carried her over my shoulder for the first hour.

"Hey, Cole, is it?" A voice said and I turned my head, watching as an officer walked over to me. I nodded at him and he smiled. "Would you mind if I talked to you in the kitchen?" He asked and I sent a worrying glance to Emily, who looked so emotionless. "She's in good hands, Officer Reynes is good with teenagers."

I hesitated for a while but when I saw my dad watching Emily from the doorway, I felt more comfortable and slowly nodded my head. "Okay." I murmured and he led me through the door, connecting the kitchen and the front room.

He pulled out a chair and sat down, implying that I follow his actions. I sat down opposite him and my face twisted in agony as pain shot through my thigh.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded, gritting my teeth as a placed my shaking hand over my injury. "I know it must be awful in your situation but the paramedics will be here in a minute." He reassured me but I only nodded again. "Now, do you remember the location, where you were abducted?"

I hated the way he said the word 'abducted'. I wasn't vulnerable, I went at my own will, therefore it didn't exactly count as abduction. Wyatt just had more men than I thought.

"I don't know the exact location but I know it's in the next town over, in the woods behind a cafe called Miss Muffin." I told him and the officer nodded, copying down notes of my pathetic description.

"How did you manage to escape?" He asked me, peering up at me, clicking the top of his pen, annoyingly. I thought back to the boy who let us out and how he seemed familiar, but I couldn't pin my finger on where I'd seen him.

"Um, a boy showed us to a tunnel. It was underneath the laundry room, I think he said. Anyway, we went down and it took around ten minutes to walk through it and then at the end there were a few steps leading up to two wooden doors." I told him and he nodded, absentmindedly, as he wrote more notes down.

Fuck, I thought to myself, this shit is actually more serious than I thought.
Emily's P.O.V

After the paramedics arrived at our house, they immediately rushed me and Cole to the hospital. They were concerned about how malnourished we were and they didn't like the look of the stab wounds on Cole. They also didn't like the bullet wound in my shoulder and the bullet graze across my stomach.

I'd been sitting on the hospital bed in my hospital room for about two hours, staring at the white walls while listening to the faint sound of Sandy flipping through the pages of her magazine.

My dad had gone down to the X-ray part of the hospital with Cole because he couldn't really move his left wrist. I sighed with boredom and swung my legs over the side of the bed, attempting to get up.

"Are you alright, hon? Do you want some help?" Sandy immediately put down her magazine and leapt up from her seat, rushing to my side. She gently grabbed my arm - which wasn't in a sling - and helped me off the bed.

"Thank you." I gave her a warm smile and she looked over me worriedly, making sure I wasn't in any pain or discomfort. "I'm just going to the bathroom." I told her. The only annoying thing about my room was that it didn't have a fucking bathroom; it was stupid.

"Do you want me to go with you?" She asked and I shook my head, a polite smile pulling up at the corners of my lips. She returned it and walked over to her chair, taking a seat again. However, she didn't pick up her magazine again until I'd safely made my way out of the door.

I started to walk down the hallway as a pang of jealousy struck my heart. I couldn't help but feel jealous of Parker. He had a great mom, one who cared for him and loved him, one that protected him and made him feel better when he was sad.

My jealousy was soon cut short when I heard shouting coming from the end of the hall. I brought myself out of my thoughts and continued down the wide corridor, walking straight past the bathroom.

"Bullet wound to the chest. Name is Liam Carter. Suffering a lot of blood loss and unconsciousness." A nurse shouted out and I watched as my twin was wheeled towards my direction, doctors and nurses surrounding him.

Tears arose in my eyes and time seemed to slow down. My watery eyes watched as Liam was wheeled past me, an oxygen mask clinging around his mouth. It looked like it was suffocating him, not helping him. I felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline push through my veins and I forced my legs to move forward.

I picked up my pace each second and soon enough I was sprinting towards the bed. The tears pooled from my eyes and I was almost there, the pain shooting through my thighs, until hands wrapped around my waist and spun me around in the opposite direction.

"It's okay, princess. He'll be okay." My dad cooed, his voice breaking. I grabbed onto his arms so tightly, my legs feeling like jelly. I didn't last standing upright much longer and soon collapsed to the floor but my dad didn't let me go, keeping his arms wrapped around me.

I screamed and cried as my dad tried to calm me down. My brothers stood there watching me, fear and sadness radiating from them. We weren't fools, we knew this was a dead end and there was no way out.


Hey guys, hope you're all doing well during these horrible times. I know this chapter won't really cheer you up and I'm preparing for the angry comments 😂. I hope updating took away some of your boredom though and some good news, I've already started writing the next chapter!!!

See you soon. Sincerely, Potato xx

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