°Chapter 8°

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I was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling overwhelmed with what had happened this afternoon. Cole lay next to me, his arms resting behind his head.

My dad told me that I had more than one brother and that introductions were to be done during dinner but I wasn't ready. I was so used to being an only child that it seemed unbelievable to have many siblings.

"Cole?" I asked and I heard him making a humming sound in the back of his throat as a reply. "Why do you think mom never told me about all this?"

He propped his elbow up and shifted his body so his chin rested in the palm of his hand. "She always wished for a girl. She'd mention it a lot." He chuckled. "You'd be surprised with the amount of times she'd go shopping to look at dresses that were for little girls."

A small smile spread across my face but it was gone as soon as it came. "Do you think she loves me?" I muttered, still not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

"Of course she does. I bet she's looking for you right now." He told me but I could tell he wasn't convinced with his own words. His face held doubt and I heard him exhale heavily.

"I don't mean to come off rude," I started and quickly sent him a glance. "But do you think mom will abandon me like she did with you?"

"I'm not sure." He murmured and his hand played with a strand of my hair distantly. "When mom left all of us, I was distraught. I blamed it on you, our new baby sister who I thought I was going to despise forever. However, after these years, I've grown from that and I was desperate to bring you home. I knew I was going to be your older brother that loves and protects you. It's my job to cheer you up when you're sad and block you from the real world. Earlier today when you told us what mom had been doing or been letting her boyfriend do to you, I knew that maybe this was gonna be harder than I expected." He smiled at me and I returned it, although it was only a timid smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, how many brothers do I have?" I asked, sheepishly, and directed my gaze to my hands.

"It's fine. You were gonna find out soon anyway." He stated and I nodded a silent 'okay'. "You have nine other brothers and if you add me, you have ten."

My body froze and I think Cole noticed. His hand shot to the back of his neck and he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, sorry, I should've warned you." He admitted with a guilty look and I felt bad, snapping out of my trance. I forced a smile upon my face and waved him off, shaking my head.

"No, I asked for you to tell me. It's just a shock, since I've thought that I've been an only child all my life." I inhaled sharply and slowly exhaled, feeling even more overwhelmed than I originally was.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have told you though. Dad said that introductions were to be done during dinner and you would've found out then." He said and I suddenly felt guilty about even asking him. It was weird and I don't know why I felt bad but I just did.

"Sorry." I murmured and adverted my eyes to his finger which had a strand of my hair wrapped around it, loosely.


It was kind of awkward when I first sat down for dinner but I was luckily sat in between dad and Cole. Everyone was looking at me and I felt really uncomfortable, shifting in my seat as dad's girlfriend -Sandy- handed around plates of pizza and fries.

"Sorry it's not a big dinner but I had no idea you'd be here." Sandy's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment but I shook my head with a nervous laugh.

"No, it's fine. I didn't quite expect to be here." I sent her a small smile and she returned it, setting down a plate with two slices of pizza and more than a few fries.

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