°Chapter 4°

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I turned around, narrowing my eyes at my mom, who glared back at me.

"È tua madre?" Damien asked, probably thinking my mom didn't speak Italian.

Well, he was very wrong.

"Yes, I'm her mom. Who are you?" She snapped, moving her glare to him.

"Damien." He replied, coldly. "I'm a new friend of Emily's."

"Ah." She laughed. "The other two already tired of hanging around with you?"

My fists clenched and I grit me teeth.

"I never said I was her only friend." Damien cut in.

"What's wrong with you? You're even nastier than you were yesterday morning." I scowled.

She rested her manicured hands on top of the table and stared down at me.

"I got a call from the school this morning, telling me that my daughter wasn't in roll call and then they phoned me up again later on and said you weren't in for the rest of the day." She sneered.

"Well, if I can't go to my own house, why should I go to school?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders at her.

"Do you want to get a good paying job for the rest of your life, or do you want to be homeless with no job?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Am I not homeless right now?" I laughed. "Because it definitely seems like you've disowned me."

"That's it, you're coming with me, get in the car." She pointed to the door, her face boiling red with anger.

"So, you wait a day and a half just to come and tell me I'm going home?" I asked, almost forgetting there were people in the café.

"Get in the car." She repeated and I sighed, standing up.

"Ciao, Damien." I smiled.

"Wait, you're really going to go with her?" He asked.

"She's my mom, I have no choice." I continued to smile, but once my mom and I had walked out of the door, I frowned.

"Does Daniel know I skipped school?" I questioned, biting my lip.

"Of course." She giggled, but sent me a sharp look.

"Grande, grazie mamma." I murmered and sent her a sarcastic smile.

"Don't thank me, thank your papa." She smirked.

My eye twitched and I dug my fingernails into my palm.

"He is not my papa, never in a million years will you hear me call him that." I snapped. "Why should I thank Daniel anyway?"

She unlocked the blue audi and I slid into the backseat, whilst she got into the drivers seat.

"He's got a special punishment planned for you when we get home." She pulled out of the parking spot, still wearing a stupid smirk.

My eyes widened and I put my hand on the passengers seat, clinging onto it.

"Mom, please, you can't let him do that!" I pleaded.

"Yes, I can and I've already told him he can do whatever he wants with you as soon as we walk through the front door." She stated and slapped my hand off the seat.

"I hate you." I said as we pulled into the driveway of the house. "I thought you were my mom."

"I am your mom." She exclaimed, stopping the car.

"No, you're not." I spat, as we got out of the car. "You're just a woman that happened to give birth to me and I know you regret every moment of that."

"So? Just because I regret every moment of that doesn't mean I'm not your mom." She snarled.

"True." I shrugged. "But I wish I had a better one to look up to."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it, but I didn't apologize at all.

I shoved past her stiff body and opened the unlocked door, waiting for the devil to welcome me home.


I laid lifeless on my bed, bruises and gashes littered across my body.

Blood was the only thing I could taste.

All this for missing one day of school.

My face was buried in my cushion and I let out a groan, pushing myself up.

I decided to wash the blood off my body and freshen up, so I didn't look like I'd just been in a crash.

Walking into the bathroom, I took my t-shirt off and threw it into the corner of the room.

Grabbing my (already used) cloth from the cupboard above my basin, I let it soak under the cold tap for a few seconds and wrung it out.

I placed it over one of the deepest gashes, letting the wet blood seep through the piece of material before gently rubbing it over my other gashes.

Once I was done, I placed the cloth in my bin and dried my arms off with a towel.

After I was dry, I took my toothbrush out of the holder and run it under the water, before putting a bit of toothpaste on it.

The more I brushed around my mouth, the less blood I could taste.

When I'd finished, I rinsed my mouth out and turned the water off

I picked my t-shirt up and put it in my basket, as I walked into my room.

I got changed into some old clothes and as I was about to get into bed, my phone lit up on my nightstand.

Climbing over my bed, I reached for my phone and unlocked it, checking the ID.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as it read Unknown.

I opened the message and rolled my eyes.

Unknown- We'll have you soon.

I let out a sarcastic laugh, typing back my reply.

Ha ha, very funny Jake. You can't scare me.

Angrily, I put my phone on charge on flopped onto my bed, screaming into my pillow.

Everyday, it seemed as though drama was thrown in my face and there was no way to escape.

My phone let out a beep, but I ignored it.

Turning away, I closed my eyes, hoping I could just fall asleep and forget all of the events that'd happened the last few days.

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