°Chapter 26°

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My stomach growled, wanting the food from the bakers I had just passed but I had no money - and no money meant no food. I kept walking with a sigh, a sad frown pulling down on my lips as I watched two little kids run up to their mother, who watched them with a huge smile that beamed on her face.

The mother saw me staring and gave me a small smile, concern sparkling in her eyes. I returned her smile and shook my head to tell her that I was fine. She nodded and took her attention back on her two daughters.

I had been walking around, further and further away from anywhere where I was known to. I had been trekking since the night before, which meant I had been walking for almost twelve hours, stopping for an hour or so at a time. Exhaustion was hitting me with a force, as I began to miss the soft comfort of my bed. I started to regret leaving where I had wash facilities to clean myself with but like I had said to Cole, it was better to go somewhere else rather than stay somewhere where I was unwelcome.

My trance was broken when a horn blared at me, almost giving me a heart attack. I looked around me and noticed that I was walking in the middle of the busy road, drivers slamming their foots down on the brakes as they gave me angered looks. I went to step out of the road but it was like my feet were glued to the ground, feeling everyone's judging eyes focus on me.

"Are you just going to stand there or will I have to drag you out of the road myself?" A man yelled as he opened his car door, standing up as he awaited for my reply. My mouth opened to say something but no words would come out, it was like I had lost my voice.

Someone stopped behind me, resting their hand on my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "There will be no need for that, Sir. I am very sorry that my sister has caused you all trouble. We'll be going now, have a good day." The guy said and I didn't know why, but shivers ran down my spine. Whoever the person was, they were giving off bad vibes and I didn't like it.

The stranger removed his hand from my shoulder and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the road as everyone went back to what they were doing. The cars started driving and the streets were bustling once again, the people acting as if nothing had just happened.

As soon as we were on the other side, I tried to run but I was pulled back by my hood. I started to squirm around in the person's grip, desperately attempting to get free but when the guy tightly wrapped his arm around my throat and I felt a familiar cold circle being pressed to my forehead. I looked up to see that my thoughts were correct, the barrel of a gun was being pushed into my skin.

"I wouldn't move much more if I were you, sweetheart." The man's voice was deep and he chuckled. His voice wasn't soft or comforting like my brothers' - although they were stern with me - but it was cold and bitter as if he had a passion of hate towards me. "I mean, that's unless you would like me to blow your brains out." He snorted, as if not to expect an answer.

"Go ahead." I whispered, my fists clenching and unclenching as my palms began to get clammy. My heartbeat pounded in my chest but I didn't understand why. I mean, I was ready, right? "Pull the damn trigger, I have nothing to live for." I gulped as my voice cracked and I mentally swore at myself for breaking in front of a complete stranger who was - most definitely - about to kill me.

"So, you wouldn't even live for your brothers? I'll pull the trigger right now and then I'll move onto your brothers, especially your little stepbrother-" He was cut off by my growl. Not my growling stomach but a physical growl came from my mouth, shocking myself but I didn't have time to be surprised. Whatever I had to do, I was going to do for my brothers, whether they hated me or not.

"Please, I don't care what you do to me, just please don't hurt them. Parker's too young and I don't want any of them getting hurt." I begged the man and he laughed, knowing that he had found my weakness. I felt tears of frustration build in my eyes and I had to fight the urge of just turning around and kicking him in the gut.

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