°Chapter 13°

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"What?" I spluttered. "What do you want to know about my stepfather?" I asked, curiosity laced in my voice.

"We were just wondering-" Luke shot a glance at Blake before looking back down at me. "Did the guy constantly abuse you?" He asked, a murderous look in his eyes.

I hesitated, swallowing the lump in my throat as I shot a glance at Blake. "Yeah." I dragged out, the topic making me a little bit uncomfortable.

"Okay." Luke dragged a desk chair in front of me and sat down on it, leaning forwards with his clasped hands on his knees. "Can you tell us in what way he abused you?" He questioned, a demanding but soft tone in his voice.

"Why?" I questioned and gnawed at my lip. I adverted my gaze to my lap, feeling their eyes burning holes into my head.

"We just want to know." Blake snapped, causing me to jump but I brushed it off and looked back up at Luke, our eyes locking together. His expression was sharp as if he was adamant to let the subject go.

"All sorts of ways." I started to explain, casting my eyes to my lap again. "He would hit me, punch me, kick me, spit at me." I told them without looking up once.

"Did he ever sexually abuse you?" Luke asked, causing my breath to hitch in my throat as I froze. My breathing came out more heavy and ragged and my head started to spin.

"Once." I choked out, my voice cracking. I couldn't cry though, it was like my eyes had run out of tears since I had cried too much. "He came home, angry and drunk. I was around eight years old." I spat out, my voice full of disgust and shame. "He came up to my room whilst I was supposed to be asleep. He woke me up and started to touch me. It felt so wrong but I couldn't do anything because I was too weak. I knew mom could hear my muffled sobs and screams since she was in the room next to us, probably drowning herself in alcohol." I ran my hand through my hair, refusing to look up at the two of my brothers. "He started to take off his shirt and he tried to take my pyjama top off but I was lucky that he passed out before he was able to." My fingers twiddled together.

"What the fuck?" I heard Blake mutter and my head snapped up, just in time to see him punch his fist into the wall. I winced, mentally feeling the pain he must feel in his hand but he seemed blind to the pain.

His knuckles were red and dots of blood were dotted across them. His eyes were narrowed and his chest arose and fell heavily. In my opinion, he looked ready to murder someone.

I dared to cast a glance at Luke and noticed that he looked exactly like Blake, except his eyes had softened and had a small spot of sadness hidden deep within them.

"Are you hearing this?" Blake yelled at Luke, who sat still and stared distantly at me. "That man tried to rape her! Why aren't you doing anything?" He scowled, his fists curling up into balls. "You're not even gonna-" He got cut off when Luke angrily stood up, knocking the chair over. He stormed over to where Blake was stood and grabbed the front of his t-shirt, pinning him into the wall.

"I would do anything to get that man behind bars. Hell, I would even kill him." Luke boomed, his face tinting red and his tone making me shrink back. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, propping my chin on top of my knees. "But we have no proof! We can't do anything if there isn't any proof!" He screamed.

"She's the proof!" Blake yelled back at Luke and gestured to me. Luke shot me a look over his shoulder and he loosened his grip on Blake's t-shirt, his face dropping, tiredly.

"What if they-" He started but I cut him off, having enough of the arguing which just went back and forth.

"There is proof." My voice was timid but it was loud enough to grab the attention of the two. "Daniel set up CCTV cameras everywhere to make sure I could never escape." I explained. "I remember sneaking down there one night to save the footage and use it against him, I must have forgotten though."

"Great, proof! Where did you save it to?" Blake asked in a rushed tone, practically almost running to the door.

"I saved it to my laptop which is back at his house." I told him, dropping my head again. "Don't worry about it, if I've lived with it for seven years, I'm sure I can deal with it for more." I mumbled and let out a quiet sigh. We would never get the proof.

"Where does the man work and how many times a week does he work there?" Luke asked and I flinched, a flash back crossing my mind of the first day I found out where he worked.

"He works in a gang, which I can't remember the name of, and he works there on a Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday." My lips trembled with fear but I was glad that my words didn't come out in a stutter.

"How long for?" They questioned in unison, sending a glare to each other after.

"Usually the whole day." I replied with a one shouldered shrug. "You can't just break in though because mom doesn't work." I stated, bluntly. "I don't want you to get it anyway." I murmured, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you serious? You're saying that you want that man to live an easy going life and-" Blake started but I clutched my head in my hands, letting out a strangled scream as I looked up at him.

"I didn't say that." I yelled and pushed myself off the floor so I was standing up. "It's just, Daniel, he knows a lot of connections to bad people...believe me I know." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked down at the carpet. "I've tried it before."

"What happened?" Luke muttered and I locked eyes with him. They were genuinely determined to put Daniel behind bars but I knew even if they succeeded, Daniel would always have a way to get out.

"That's unimportant." I cleared my throat and started to walk over to the door but Blake blocked it, glaring down at me.

"It is important." He stated in a low voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it didn't happen to you so it shouldn't concern any of you." I snapped and tried to shove Blake out of my way but he stood his ground, not moving a muscle.

"We're you brothers." He told me, blankly. I fought the urge to snort at him for his lame excuse.

"Well start acting like it instead of acting like my enemies." I swooped under his arm and out of the bedroom door, throwing him a triumphant look over my shoulder, to which he glared at. "Then, maybe, I might just tell you more."

I turned my back to him and walked down the hall to my bedroom, feeling like a huge weight had been taking off my shoulders. However, I couldn't say too much because that means I start to unravel and I'd already done that before. I wasn't going to risk it again.


Hey guys, sorry for the extremely short chapter but I need some ideas. So please tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter. And do you want a different point of view? If so please leave a comment and I'll consider it. :)

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