°Chapter 19°

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Emily's P.O.V

My stomach grumbled in disagreement as I chucked the nibbled sandwich in the trash. I was hungry but I couldn't eat, I didn't want to. I stared into the trash for a moment and bit my lip, feeling a little bit guilty for throwing it away.

"You're getting thinner." A voice snapped and I jumped, spinning around, ignoring the dizziness I felt. I hadn't eaten for about a week and I was starting to lose balance and feel light-headed.

"I guess getting beaten up reduces your appetite." I just shrugged my shoulders at my twin, too tired to put up a fight with him.

"Mhm, sure. I guess it makes you stop eating for a whole week." He commented, making sure I knew that he was being sarcastic.

"It's not like it's affecting your life." I rolled my eyes with a scoff and his eyes narrowed at me as he crossed his arms over his chest in a way which said "don't talk back to me".

"It is actually. Have you forgotten that I'm your brother?" He asked and I pursed my lips, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Hey guys." Mason walked through into the kitchen and immediately stopped in his tracks, noticing the thick tension that hung in the air. "Um, you okay?" He asked us, looking back and forth between my pleading look and Liam's stone face. His eyes were narrowed and he opened his mouth, about to say something but I interrupted before he could say anything.

"Yeah, we're fine." I shot him a quick smile before walking over to my twin and grabbing his arm, as I dragged him out of the kitchen. I stopped in the hallway and looked up at him with a begging expression. "Liam, please you can't tell anyone, okay?" He gave me an uneasy look and I mentally rolled my eyes, forcing a smile onto my face. "Honestly, I'm okay. I've just been feeling a little sick, that's why I haven't eaten much." I lied, feeling a wave of relief wash over me when he nodded, seeming satisfied with my answer.

"Okay, but promise me you'll eat something today?" He asked and I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek, not wanting to lie to him.

"Thank you." He breathed out and surprised me by pulling me into a hug but I returned it, nonetheless, dipping my face into his arm. I took slow breaths and stubbed my fingertips into the palm of my hands to keep myself from telling him about my dream.

I was still tense about the whole dream and tried my best to avoid Luke and Blake since they had a main role in my dream, which I know was stupid of me to think that they would do such a thing in real life but I couldn't help but feel paranoid that they would soon turn against me. It was why I was trying not to get too close to them all because they could turn on me at any point. They could be putting imaginable 'kick me' signs on my back for all I knew.

I pulled away from the hug, a nervous smile on my face, as Liam returned th smile, retreating up the stairs. I let out a sigh of relief when he was out of sight and felt on my back to make sure he didn't actually put a sign on my back.

I went into the living room and sat down on the couch opposite from the couch my sleeping father was sitting on. I studied him carefully, thoughts crossing through my mind like a wildfire.

He could also have been lying to me. Maybe he didn't want me, maybe he thought I deserved the abuse that I had received at home, maybe he was waiting for me to make a small mistake so he could hit me.

They could all be plotting against me and I wouldn't know. My brothers always had secret "meetings" and made me stay in my room with another brother so I wouldn't eavesdrop on their important talks about me. It was hard to tell whether they cared about me or were plotting to dump me on the streets - or even worse give me back to my old, miserable home.

Kidnapped By My Brothers (Slow Updates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz