°Chapter 30°

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Emily's P.O.V

The gunshots had soon faded into nothing and were replaced with an eerie silence, only few whimpers were heard. The shouts had stopped as well but left quiet whispers, which I didn't know if which were coming from my mind or could actually heard in the dirty corridors.

"Sh, it's okay, Em." It was when I heard Cole's voice that I recognised it was myself who was whimpering and it was just the whispers coming from my head. "I think we should get out of here." He held me against his chest, muffling my small sobs.

"No!" I gasped, drawing my head back to star at Cole. He had a sad look on his face but he looked determined to get out. "No, Cole. We have to go back to the others and get them too." I watched him shake his head at me as if it were a stupid idea.

"No, Emily, now isn't the time. We'll sneak out of here, go back home, tell dad and call the cops." He grasped my shoulders, cupping them and I gulped, shaking my head at him again, causing him to sigh. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He looked down at me with raised eyebrows but I just blinked at him, confused.

In seconds, he had thrown me over his shoulder and if we weren't in the situation we were in, I would've thrown punches at him and yelled about it. I shifted to a more (slightly) comfortable position, being careful not to hurt any of my wounds and just hung there.

We only got a few, sneaky, feet away from the dark corner we were hiding in before a voice called out to us and I was dropped on my head. Yes, the stupid bitch almost gave me brain damage.

"Cole? Emily?" Damien called out, confusion evident in his voice and I groaned in pain as a response. "Are you stupid? What are you doing out here?" He exclaimed, making sure he had lowered his voice so no other gang members could hear us.

"Nothing much, we just decided to play a game of hide and seek." Cole remarked, sarcasm practically dripping from his voice. He crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Damien. "What do you think, dumbass?"

"Um, you're the dumbass here, dropping me on my fucking head." I rubbed the top of my head, my mouth curving into a scowl.

"Whatever." Cole mumbled waving me away with his hand, leaving me to get myself up, despite the multiple injuries I had displaying on my body. I was in pain and yet all my older brother did was drop me on my head and ignore me. And he wondered why he wasn't my favourite brother.

"Alright, I get it, sneaking out." Damien nodded his head, seeming slightly impressed as he looked around the empty place. "If you needed to sneak out, you'd probably have to go through the back or maybe the trap door laundry room." He muttered mostly to himself and me and Cole sent a glance to each other.

"I'm surprised you're helping us, those ways out are actually pretty smart." Cole commented, raising his eyebrow as a small smirk appeared on his face. Damien mirrored his expression and I snorted, causing both boys to look at me, as I finally got up off the ground.

"Literally just a few minutes ago you were calling him a dumbass and now you're best friends?" I couldn't help but laugh to myself and it earned me a death stare from Cole.

"I can tell from the tension in the air that the two of you don't quite like each other either, am I right?" My brother exposed and I locked eyes with Damien for a few seconds before looking at the ground, feeling a spark of anger hit me.

"Well, whatever, it's different." I rolled my eyes, digging my chin into my chest as I scuffed my foot against the ground. "Yeah, homeless my ass." I scoffed to myself but I made myself loud enough Damien could hear me.

"Okay, maybe I wasn't as truthful as you. The thing is that I wasn't mentally prepared for a fifteen-year-old girl to tell me her whole life story." He fired back, a scowl then appearing on his face. I gaped at him and went to lunge at him but Cole caught me mid-air, attempting to hold me back.

"What else would you have expected from an abandoned, distressed teenager?" I snapped at him and he looked like he had a comeback but Cole interrupted him, blocking me from his view as he tried to calm me down.

"Alright, Em, calm down, yeah? Take deep breaths, don't let him get to you." My brother instructed and I found myself closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, as Cole rubbed his hands up and down my arms. It helped a big deal and I found myself completely calm. Guess the dumbass wasn't as stupid as I had thought.

"Thanks." I whispered and he nodded with a smile before turning his back to me as he spoke to Damien.

"Right, whatever that was can wait until later, now can you help us get out or not?" I peered up from the ground and looked at Damien, only to find he was already looking at me. He quickly looked away and nodded at my brother but I didn't miss the small side glance he threw at me.


We were eventually taken through the huge warehouse, surprisingly we had not been caught. We got to what looked like the laundry room, which held ten washing machines and tumble dryers and then a shit load of baskets.

In the middle of the room, there was a rug but when Damien pulled it back, there was a trap door in the middle of the floor, the lock already unlocked. He pulled up the latch and the door opened ajar.

Cole hopped down into it after he thanked Damien for the help, adding a little bro handshake thing which just confused me so I didn't really pay attention to it. I looked down at Cole who was looking up at me, his hand reached up to help me down but before I went, I turned to Damien.

"You're really helping us escape? No lies, no men are going to come out of nowhere? You're telling the truth?" I whispered, so only he could hear and he nodded. I observed his actions for a few moments to see if he was lying or not and then I was sure, I believed him. "Well...thanks, I guess." I gave him a small smile and waved before hopping down after Cole, allowing Damien to shut the door, the lock clicking shut.

We were left in almost complete darkness, the only small source of light we got was coming from the torch Damien had given us. Other than that, we had to use our hands to feel the walls.

"Why did you guys come after me?" I broke the tense silence, my words echoing throughout the tunnel. I walked next to my older brother, my eyes finally adjusting to the dark so I didn't have to drag my hand along the walls, touching the creepy cobwebs.

"That's a trick question, right?" He chuckled but his voice held no humor. He sent me a glance, the torch shining against my face as he slowed his pace to a stop. "You're our little sister, Em, and once we saw that photo, tables were flipped, doors were slammed and yelling was all you could hear. Liam was a fucking mess. He was so lost without you, no matter how little you two talked. You're twins, he was over the fucking moon when we brought you home." He told me and I felt the tears sting the corners of my eyes as I continued walking, hearing Cole do the same. Why couldn't I have been a better sister? Why was I so difficult?

"I'm sorry, Cole. It's all my fault, if I had just listened to Luke's stupid rules then you guys wouldn't have had to come here and, oh my god." I gasped, pressing my hands to my mouth. A tear slipped down my cheek and rolled down my face and I was afraid to break down, show my weakest point but I didn't care at that moment. "He's going to kill them! Cole we need to go back, he's going to kill them." I went to charge past my brother but he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, continuing to walk despite my protesting kicks. "Cole, he's gonna kill them. It's all my fault, he's gonna kill them." I cried out, although I didn't let any tears fall.

"Sh, Emily, they're going to be just fine." He hushed me but the slight uncertainty in his voice pushed my emotions over the edge and it was getting harder for me to breathe.

However, the more we walked the heavier my eyelids got and I eventually fell unconscious to the sound of Cole's footsteps, not wanting to know what would happen next.

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