°Chapter 7°

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Someone poked me and I groaned, slapping my hand to my forehead. My heart pounded in my ears and I groaned again, turning over, only to fall on the ground.

I, slowly, opened my eyes and glanced around my surroundings. When I didn't recognise the room, I jumped up, ignoring the pain in my head.

My blood pumped through my veins and my heart raced when everything that happened the night before flooded through my mind.

The fluent Italian boy sat on the bed, smirking at me, and I inhaled, sharply.

"Buongiorno principessa." He chirped and I grunted in response, rubbing my eyes with my fists.

"Where have you taken me?" I asked, blankly, and looked around the room I was in. "Because it doesn't seem too dangerous."

"Yet." He responded, creepily, and my eyes widened as I grabbed onto the edge of the nightstand that was -fortunately- next to the bed. "Relax, I'm kidding."

My shoulders relaxed and I nodded my head, looking for a window.

The boy caught me staring and shook his head, chuckling. "There isn't a window, so don't bother trying to look for it as an escape."

I huffed and flopped back onto the bed. "Is this what kidnapping really feels like?" I asked and glanced at the ceiling.

"It depends on the type of kidnapper." He shrugged and his eyes softened.

"What's your name?" I blurted and bit my lip, immediately slapping my hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying/asking anything else.

He was about to answer, but someone barged through the bedroom door and I pursed my lips tightly, removing my hand from my mouth. The sound reminded me so much of my house and I shuddered, grabbing a pillow to hold in front of my face.

It went quiet and I chucked the pillow away from me with a nervous laugh, feeling cheeks heat up. That wasn't usually like me, at home I'd make nasty remarks or roll my eyes and go back to what I was doing.

"Um, are you okay?" The boy by the door asked and I looked down at my hands, mentally cursing at myself for being so stupid. "Did I really scare you that bad?"

I ignored him and angrily glared at the floor in front of me. Why was I so paranoid if I knew Daniel wasn't here?

"Okay..." He trailed off and looked at the boy next to me. "Dad will be home soon with Sandy and Parker, so get ready for a yelling match."

"Wait, they don't know you guys kidnapped me?" I asked and they both shook their heads. "This can be my escape plan." I murmured, triumphantly, and rested my arms behind my head as I leaned against the headboard.

"Yeah, don't get too happy, we still ain't letting ya go back home." One of them replied and I wiped the smug look of my face, my eyes darkening.

I didn't like calling my home 'my home' and if to be honest, I bet the streets is better. You get to live free and not get beaten up if you get any less that a B on a test. The house made me feel nauseous whenever I walked through the door.

"Hm, okay." I replied, distantly, my mind wandering off to the familiar memories of when I was younger and it was just my mother and I. There was no Daniel and I was happy, my mom was happy. "Se si può anche chiamare così." I mumbled, making sure the Italian guy couldn't hear me - which he luckily didn't.

Once they both finally left, I got off the bed and started looking around for my phone and groaned when I realised that they must have taken it. It probably would have died anyway.

"Why the fuck did they choose me?! Out of all people in the world, they had to choose me!" I dragged my hands down my face. It made me jealous as I thought about adults, teenagers and even kids younger than me that could walk freely around the neighbourhood this house was in.

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