Chapter 1 | Splotchy Beginnings

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A/N: Indigo's outfit, kind of.

Indigo's POV-

Five minutes into wearing my new uniform and I already have a paint splotch on the sleeve of the school appointed sweater. Seriously! I haven't even touched my watercolor palettes or my tubes of acrylics so I have no idea how it got there.

"INDIGO, IF YOU SPEND ONE MORE MINUTE IN THAT BATHROOM I'M LEAVING YOU TO GO GET MCDONALDS!" My mother shouted at me from somewhere in the house.

Hastily, I applied a minimum amount of makeup on my face because you always need to look presentable, especially on the first day of school. For some reason, I don't think I should waltz in with giant eye bags and my golden hair in a messy bun into one of America's most prestigious schools, or so the brochure said.

Yeah, brochures. This school was loaded.

I tugged on the navy blue sweater and sighed, the paint problem simply could not be helped. Grabbing my phone and book bag (school essentials right there) I swept out of my room to where my mom was waiting with her car keys dangling in her hand.

Yes, I am old enough to drive for those of you wondering. It's just that my mom and I have a tradition to go out and eat breakfast every Monday. Don't ask me how it got started, I have no clue, but it's pretty great having a coffee with your mom every now and then, talking about random nothings. I rarely ever see her, she's so busy with the family business so these breakfasts are important to us.

We hopped in her car, the tan leather seats giving my legs goosebumps in my dark skirt.

Yep, you read correctly, a skirt. I don't know what this school was thinking when they planned out this dress code, and honestly
I don't want to know. I just hope I don't look completely comical with my mom driving me to school, paint on my clothes, and me pulling down my skirt every few seconds.

After eating breakfast, my mom drove up to the long, winding road leading up to the school and dropped me off.

Everly Academy was nothing out of the ordinary for me. It had large, crumbling stone walls with ivy snaking it's way around the edges. Magnificent arched windows graced the front and sides, carved with intricate details that made me want to step closer and get a better look at them.

Kids in the posh uniform were milling about a fountain places in the center of the courtyard, laughing with each other and handing out random bits of gossip that were completely irrelevant to their own lives. Wait no, try to think positive.

There were a few nice looking people my own age as I bounded up the schools stairs to the main doors also known as the entrance. I beamed at them, making sure to have my best looking smile placed upon my lips as they glanced curiously at me.

It was my first priority to get my schedule for this semester so I made my way over to the main office. Luckily enough for me, it was directly to my right when I walked into the marble halls and I stepped through the door.

I was greeted by a nice enough looking lady sitting bored at her desk. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was watching Netflix on her computer.

I bounded up to her, my smile reaching my hazel eyes, and spoke loudly, "Hi, my names Indigo, I'm new here and was just wondering if I could get my schedule?"

Startled by my sudden appearance, the lady quickly turned off whatever was on her computer screen, her aged hands fumbling with the machinery.

Once she was finished, her pale eyes raked me up and down, she sneered when she saw my paint covered sweater. However, I kept a bright and happy look upon my features, determined to make a good impression.

The lady, whose name was Ms. Spencer according to a plaque framed on her desk, peered at me over her desk and spat with as much venom as a lady her gaze could probably muster. "Last name?"

I quickly muttered something under my breath. As soon as she heard that word though, her back shot straight up and she cleared her throat. "Of course, then, I'll have your schedule ready in a moment." Sweat beaded her brow and she worked as fast as her old lady self could. Soon enough, she placed a thin slip of paper into my grasp, her hands shaking slightly as she did so.

Looking down at her computer screen, Ms. Spencer told me that my locker number was also on the schedule and that if I ever needed anything, I shouldn't hesitate to ask her.

I smiled gratefully at her and turned back out into the marble halls, determined as ever.

Soon enough, I found my locker, number 273. I put in my combination and stuffed practically my entire book bag into the small thing. I took out only my needed binders for my next three classes, English, some random History class, and Psychology.

Glancing at my schedule I saw that my next classes after that happened to be lunch, (it's a class, fight me) Chemistry, a math class that I can barely read the name of, and my personal favorite, Art.

The layout of the school might have been basic and easy to navigate but I drank my daily dose of dumb bitch juice this morning and was pretty lost.

Growing tired of the endless marble halls and navy colored lockers, I tried to find someone to stop so I could ask directions.

I spotted a nice enough looking girl who had long black hair reaching her mid back, dark almond eyes, and pale skin. She wore a simple white button down shirt with the schools crest, a navy blue shield intertwined with vines and a bird mid flight in the center, and a vintage skirt reaching her knees.

I grinned shyly as I walked over to her and held out a hand. "Hi, my names Indigo. I'm truly sorry to bother you but I have no idea where my first class is, do you mind pointing me in the right direction?"

Her dark eyes stared me up and down, before taking my outstretched hand and shaking it enthusiastically. Taking my schedule from me, the girl started babbling, "My names Kana, but since you don't know that, you must be the new girl everyone is talking about."

People were talking about me already? Dang, I at least wanted to wait until I was at least two weeks into school before this happened.

Kana grabber my arm and pulled me alongside her, stumbling with each step. She kept on rambling through the halls until we reached my first class of the day, English.

My mind could barely keep track of how fast this girl was speaking, those auction guys have nothing on her. "So your first class is with Mr. Redly down the hallway to the right when you first walk into the school. When I first got here I remembered that because Redly and right both start with the letter r. He's pretty chill, just turn your work in on time and you'll be fine. But enough about your classes, what about you?" She finished, not even out of breath.

I fiddled with the paint on my sweater, attempting to peal it off. It was a no go, this paint was here to stay. Smiling sweetly, I whispered, "My names Indigo."

Kana giggled and came to a stop in front of a random door. "Well, I know that silly." She glanced at the door. "Well this is your stop I'm afraid. You can tell me more about yourself at lunch later."

I gave my new friend one last smile before heading through the door, leaving Kana behind.

I sat down at a random desk and plopped all my binders down. The teacher still hadn't arrived, so I allowed myself time to think.

My day so far:
• I got paint on my uniform before arriving to one of the most prestigious schools in America.
• I made the secretary lady almost die of fright at the mention of my last name.
• And I made a new friend so I won't be sitting at lunch all alone.

Wow, all that and my classes haven't even began. I wonder what the rest of the day will hold?

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