Chapter 8 | Bottle Brains

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A/N: Indigo's car above. Ain't it just the cutest!

Luca's POV-

Let's just say what happened next blew my drunk brain out of my head and made it land somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean.

Blondie was still smiling, but her eyes flickered from the glass bottle of beer in her hands to the dumbass in front of her. Repeatedly.

Everything slowed down as if time had turned to maple syrup. Blondie popped the top of her bottle off, I pushed out of my seat on drunken legs, trying to stop what was about to happen. Blondie started to raise the arm holding the bottle up, I was scurrying to reach the two of them in time. But, sadly, I was distracted by thoughts of maple syrup and could do nothing to stop her from dumping the alcoholic contents onto the idiots head.

The foul smell of the drink wafted through the air, although it didn't very much change the surrounding odor of even stronger alcohol. Gotta love high school parties.

The man spluttered at Blondie, his mouth agape, like he couldn't believe she really did that. News flash buddy, she did.

I was still making my way over there, but the overwhelming mass of teenagers prevented me and slowed down my pace.

I still couldn't shake the feeling something bad was about to happen. I had to get over there.

I saw the man's dark eyes glare with anger at blondie batting her eyelashes innocently at him. The man grabbed the now empty bottle from Blondie's hands and raised it menacingly.

Shit. I pushed and shoved to get to them, what the hell I was literally a few meters from them earlier, where in the hell are all these people coming from?

Blondie's eyes filled with fear? That's new. Earlier during his advancements, she was cool and collected. Now however, actually she was still cool and collected. It was just that one moment that I noticed where she actually showed how I'm sure she felt.

She grinned at the guy who was holding the bottle over her, and even dared to lean up and whisper something in his ear.

I don't know what the hell she said, but it affected the guy enormously. In shock, he dropped the bottle. But, since since he was so close to Blondie, the glass bottle fell on her, shattering upon impacting her delicate skin.

I finally managed to sprint over there, but not before managing to run over some Freshman that had shown up to the party.

I stepped in front of the girl, separating them and also flexing my muscles to frighten the guy, or at least make him wary. The guy wasn't even looking at me though, he was staring at Blondie who had collapsed in her seat, blood dripping around her face and onto her clothes with broken glass scattered everywhere. On her clothes, on the floor, in the chair, glass surrounded her blood gushing body.

The male started to shake uncontrollably, croaking to himself, "What have I done. What have I done. He's going to kill me. She's going to kill me."

I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up. You just hurt and innocent girl, and there's going to be hell to pay.

He started to back away, ramming into multiple partygoers but not apologizing. Then, he turned around and sprinted off into the dark room, easily become one with the crowd.

I should have gotten a better look at his face, but one, I was too drunk to coherently recognize anyone, and two, this girl needed immediate medical attention.

Checking her to see all of her injuries, I couldn't help but think that I've seen her before. Before I could figure out from where, her light hazel eyes fluttered open, and she whimpered in pain.

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