Chapter 4 | I'm Right For Once

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A/N: That's probably what Fox would wear if Everly Academy had no uniforms. How could they deprive anyone of THAT!

Indigo's POV-

Fox Nobles.

That's the idiot currently sending me a more-than-my-pea-size-brain-can-count watt smile from across the near silent classroom.

My steps echoed mostly because all these scared little pussies closed their mouths for once to feed me to the dogs. Well, top dog in this case.

Although, this Fox didn't seem so scary. In fact his smudged glasses and ruffled copper hair gave him the air of adorkableness. But, how could someone with such a reputation (he was one of the Fallen Angels for nuggets sake!) seem this harmless? Guess I'm about to find out.

I gently placed my binders down and sat next to Fox since that was the only seat in the room.

Everyone held their breath as if he would actually have the balls to speak up and say something to me. But, Fox only sent a sly smirk my way and magically pulled out a binder and a black pen, then began sloppily writing down what the teacher had written on the board.

So he was one of those people. We all know someone like him. A person who actually uses a pen to write stuff down. It's completely idiotic. What if you make a mistake? Huh? It's not like you can erase it because you used ink like a dumbass. Only insane people use pens.

Someone nudged my side, pulling me away from my thoughts. "New Girl, are you gonna start writing or what?" Fox whispered.

Oh right. Forgot I was in class for a sec.

I rolled my eyes at the redhead next to me and looked around only to see the rest of the class actually doing their work.


After shooting Fox a wry smile and a hasty thanks, I began working.

And that's how the entire class period went. Fox and I doing our work and exchanging a few words here and there, people trying to listen into our conversation like it was actually their business, and me smiling at someone every chance I got.

What can I say, I just love smiling. It'll get you more friends and a happier life.

Fox was actually pretty chill, I don't see why everyone is so afraid of him. I literally just met the dude, but even me, the dumbest bitch on the block, can see that he's a good person.

Well it's not like your the best judge of character. Remember what happened the last time you said that.

Don't remind me brain. That's something better left in the past.

The bell rung once again and I waved Fox bye before escaping through the doors to find my next class. Some math class that I don't know the name of but need to graduate high school. Gross.

It was like this school was trying to get me to exercise. My class was literally on the other side of the school. I think. Who knows, I was never really good with directions.

After a few wrong turns I finally made it once again right as the bell rung. Great.

There were a few empty seats left so I just chose a random one by a window that was also somehow close to the back of the classroom.

The teacher, a slim middle aged lady who was wearing a bright neon orange t-shirt and lemon yellow pants, wasted no time and immediately began rambling on about something to do with triangles.

Hastily, I tried to take notes but ultimately got distracted by some birds I saw from the window. They'd be so pretty to paint. With the right colors and brushes, I could-

"Indigo!" The brightly dressed teacher yelled. "Would you please enlighten us with the answer to the equation on the board."

Oh shit. I probably should have been paying attention. Eh, I'll just guess. Without even glancing at the board, I confidently guessed, "Seven."

She was about to tell me whether I got the answer right or wrong, although I'm sure it was right, when the doors to the classroom flew open and two masculine figures trudged in.

Really? More of these guys? It was the twins, Adrian and Asher, I think those were there names.

I was proven right, (When am I not?) because Mrs. Neon clothes over here growled, "Adrian and Asher Sullivan. Your late."

The one with the shortly cropped hair narrows his eyes and was about to retort something back, but his brother, the one with dreads, grabbed him by the collar and dragged his ass over to the back of the room. Right to the few empty seats behind me.

Why does cliche shit like this always happen to me? It's like some unseen force is making my life as predictable as possible because they have no originality. Oh wait...

Together, the two twins sat menacingly behind me, with their arms crossed and everything, wearing matching glowering expressions.

They spoke to no one, keeping quiet in the back like if they made one sound the world would end. Well, good job guys, I think the world is safe in your hands.

The teacher carried on with her lesson, saying the correct answer was seven before moving on to another problem.

Take that dudes! I was sooooo right. Einstein and his posey better watch out! There's a new genius in town. Better go ahead and get a nice sweater for when I accept my Nobel Peace Prize.

This time, I actually attempted to pay attention and sat focused at my desk, I really wanted that Nobel Peace Prize. But, sadly I felt the weight of two glares on my back but ignored it, trying and actually getting the next answer right.

The gaze finally became too much because I turned around in my seat to find the culprit.

My hazel eyes narrowed at the twin's dark as pitch stare that was leveled sorely on me. I guess I should say culprits.

Surprising the crap out of them and everyone else in the classroom I gave them a bright smile, flashing my pearly white teeth that had the ability to blind the less advanced, then turned around once again.

I could sense their confusion at my gesture, but honestly I don't care enough to explain myself. I'd probably only confuse them more.

For some odd reason, I believe that whenever you feel awkward or have no idea what to do, just smile. One, it'll make you look radiant which is always a good thing. And two, someone can never react wrongly with a smile. I think.

After many more minutes of guessing and mystically getting everything right, class ended. Yay!! No more torture!

I gathered my binders and bounced out of the room, skipping with joy.

Time to go to my second home, my favorite place, the only reason I'm not dying of boredom. The Art room.

This is going to be fun.

A/N once again:
Sorry dudes, this chapter probably wasn't the best but I'm to tired to edit. The next one might be a little more interesting though ;)

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