Chapter 26 | High School Musical Bullshit

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Luca's POV:

"Dammit Indigo, get off the fucking table!"

The childish blonde stuck her tongue out at me, stomping her foot atop of, you guessed it, the same cafeteria table as yesterday.

"No, Luca," she protested, "I have something to say and I'm going to say it."

A collective groan resounded throughout the room, echoing off the four walls. One kid shouted, "What kind of High School Musical bullshit is this?"

Ah. It appears that one exasperating speech per year is Everly Academy's limit, and Indigo was pushing for the second in a week. What a surprise.

Asher caught my eye from across the table. He pointed to Indigo then to himself and finally made a fist while smashing it relentlessly in his other palm, no doubt signing what he planned to do to Indigo if I wished.

Silently, since not a word was spoken, I shook my head at him. Asher huffed and sat back in his chair with a pout.

Indigo cleared her throat and once again stomped on the table, earning the cafeteria's attention once more. Fox, who was sitting to the right of me, pulled out his phone and began recording the blonde secretly. Well, not so secretly since literally anyone in a five mile radius could see what he was doing.

Good job Fox, if you keep working hard enough, maybe you can work for the paparazzi one day, since they're so discreet. Reminds me of someone I know.

"Alright you pieces of shi- I mean you lovely people," Indigo began sweetly, a sick grin plastered on her face, "I've been hearing some more rumors about me that for the record, are COMPLETELY FALSE, and quite frankly, I don't appreciate them in the slightest."

From somewhere in the cafeteria, a person coughed, "Whore."

Indigo's cheeks flushed red. Her hazel eyes turned steely and a look that would haunt me for the rest of my life flared in the depths of her iris's. "Funny. That's exactly what you're dad called me last night after a few rounds of blindfolded taste testing."

I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face. "Indigo, you're not really helping you're case here."

"Oh right, forgot about that," she said, "Anyway, I'm just standing here to answer a few questions about me and Luca. First of all, we're not fucking. Only an idiot," with that she looked pointedly over to where Wilhelmina was picking at her claws, "would say so. Second of all, we're not dating. I literally moved here less than three weeks ago you crusty sponges."

Seeming satisfied, Indigo took a little bow and hopped off the table, stumbling a bit as her feet hit the floor. She caught herself at the last moment, falling right into a pair of muscular arms. My muscular arms to be specific.

They lunchroom turned quiet for a moment, taking in the scene before them before collectively not giving a shit and continuing on with their meal of meatloaf and disappointment.

But I couldn't focus on the white noise of kid's running to the trash can to barf up their food, or the haze of chaos from the high school musical remake they were doing in the corner. All I could see was Indigo's body in my grip, all I could feel was her soft skin touching mine.

Her eyes glanced to my lips. Mine were focused on hers. I was about to lean in when the flash of a camera took my attention away.

Fox was clutching his phone tightly, his trademark smile flashing mischievously. "This ones a keeper for sure," he laughed.

I was still cradling Indigo, a fact I was made aware of by her cloud-like hair brushing against two layers of my school uniform's fabric. Somehow, I could sense it's ghostly fibers igniting my forearm. "You better be glad murder is illegal." I told the red head.

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