Chapter 29 | Pink and Sparkly

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A/N: Longer chapter ahead to make up for my lack of updating. Hope you enjoy :) I really did work hard. Ish. Not really. Whatever, don't judge me 😭😭😭

Luca's POV:

"SON OF A SHIT FUCK FOX WHAT IN RICE CRISPY TREATS NAME DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" Asher belted at the top of his lungs in a high pitched squeal.

What a pussy. All Fox did was slam a kitchen drawer shut, looking for the key to Indigo's front door. Granted, Asher's hand was in the way and got completely demolished by said drawer, it was still a weak move.

In fact, I told him so.

Asher rolled his eyes while grasping his broken hand like a dog with a chew toy. Except he was holding his hand in his other hand and not in his mouth like a dog would a chew toy... yeah.

"I would like to see you get your hand slammed in a drawer then Luca, since you're such a hero." Asher hissed.

Fox's eyes were switching from me and Asher at a million miles per minute, intent on the showdown, and his fingers were tapping along the granite counter tops.

I stepped around the kitchen island. "Bet-"

Adrian walked into the kitchen, a keychain dangling in his palm and started, "Hey guys, look what I foun-" he paused, taking in the scene before him, "Oh, am I interrupting something?"

His twin brother shouldered him aside, already making his way towards the front door. "Not at all."

Glancing back at his brother, Adrian asked "What's his problem?"

Fox just simply shrugged and pushed up his glasses that slid down his nose. "He's probably just mad he isn't as swaggy as me" Then he pretended to flip his imaginary long crimson locks and waltzed after Asher.

I rubbed a hand down my face and glanced towards Adrian. "I swear I've never been around a bigger group of morons in my life."

"Well, it's obvious you haven't been to school in a while Luca," Adrian said as he followed his brother and Fox out the door.

The sigh that escaped me couldn't be helped much like the four of us's hunger as we took off in pursuit of Indigo's evil sister.

In response to the giant rumble from Fox's gut, he suggested with a wry smile, "McDonald's?"

"McDonalds," we all agreed.

What? When fighting evil you're bound to get a little hungry. Plus I've been craving some nuggies. Granted, McDonald's nuggets are absolutely disgusting but so is evil so like... they balance each other out.

"Ok," Fox said while munching on some over-salted fries, "Now what?"

Asher took a sip of his drink. "Aren't you the one with Lavender's location?"

"Aren't you the one with Lavender's location," the redhead mocked with his nose scrunched, "Shut up and Luca, take a Left on Bradbury Street."

"You mean the street I just passed?" I asked.

Fox twisted around to look out of the rear window from the passenger seat. "Yep... that would be the one."

Adrian pulled out a pink sparkly noise blower that you usually find at a kindergartner's 6th birthday party and blew it. "Road trip!" He exclaimed in a fake high pitched voice.

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