Chapter 20 | You Started a War

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Long A/N ahead + Brooooos it's INDIGO!!!! She looks just how I pictured her. Of course you can believe she looks like whoever you want, this is just my mental picture :)

Indigo's POV-

"Where's your mother?" My father asked ignoring my vulgar language.

I threw myself down to the chair farthest from where he sat. "I don't know, probably off somewhere running the company you fucked up."

There's no time to act like a scared little baby now, I could feel the strength in my veins, as if it were hardened steel. I will not cower as I've done for so long. That's like, lame.

My father feigned horror. "So much venom! It's hard to believe that this is my sweet little Indigo who could barely say a word to me before."

"Only for you pops. Only for you." I deadpanned.

Did this bitch seriously think he could just waltz in here like he owned the place? I think not buddy. He just started a bloody war and I plan on getting my hands dirty.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked, "Lavender not doing enough for you?"

"Aw, you do care about your sister after all," he said, "And no, Lavender is doing perfectly well. What I needed is for you to do something or me."

I was right! This is like the beginning of some weird erotica novel. If he asks me to be a good little princess, I'm jumping out of the nearest window and run away to the nearest McDonald's. I could get a job there and live out the rest of my miserable days. It's the one place he'd never think to find me.

Don't you need a GED to work at McDonald's?

Shit. Well there goes that plan.

"What is it." I asked uninterested and twirling a curl of my blonde locks around my finger.

My father leaned forward on the couch to catch my attention. "I've heard from one of my contacts that you've been... getting close to a certain gang leaders son."

I bet it's Luca. That would make the most sense seeing how he is rumored to have gang relations. Plus he's one of the only people I've been getting close too as of lately. Not to mention most gang leader's sons have black hair and the looks of a fallen angel in all the books I've read. Pun totally intended.

I stayed silent, my father took this as a signal to carry on. "Luca Night. Maybe you've heard of him?"

I gasped dramatically, my hands flying up to my cover my over exaggerated gaped expression. "Luca's a GANG LEADER'S SON! How could he do this to me!" I let a fake tear drop from my eyes to really solidify my act. "And to think, I thought I could have had a future with him. That LYING SON OF A BITCH!"

My father raised his hands palms up. "Now, now, calm down Indigo. I know this may come as a shock, but any daughter of mine deserves to know the truth about whom she spends her time with."

I stopped my amazing performance suddenly, sitting up in my chair. "Dude, I kind of already figured that out. I'm not a complete idiot. As for the gang part, I knew that as soon as I was kidnapped by Sven and they rescued me."

My father's mouth hung open. "You know Sven?"

I rolled my eyes. "Duh, I read all about him in your files."

"The only way you'd know about my files is if..." He stopped short, anger and surprise filling those familiar hazel eyes. Weird, there wasn't any hurt lying in their depths like most fathers would have if they found out they had been betrayed. No, there was only cruel calculation in their swirling storms.

"I were the one to rat you out?" I finished for him. "Ding ding ding, we have a winner. I can't believe you seriously didn't know. I thought you showing up here was because you knew I was the one to tell the authorities."

My father composed himself quicker than a I imagined. "This is a surprise, but you are my daughter. I would be willing to forgive you if you do me a small favor."

Oh gosh, this is where the little princess part comes in. Red alert, red alert!

My father clasped his hands on his lap, the perfect example of a pristine businessman. "I need you to get closer to Luca Night and take him down."

A awkward silence followed that simple statement. Deciding to get rid of it, I burst into a bubbly laughter. "Not gonna happen dude."

His face hardened into sharp lines and harsh features. "Wrong answer." He leaned forward and whispered dangerously low. "I can ruin your life Indigo."

"Do it," I shrugged, "It's nothing I can't handle. You've already done half the work yourself."

His face turned bright red as he blubbered, searching his mind for a reply. He found none and settled to storm out of my house, footsteps heavy and pounding to show his frustration. Where was the calm and collected man that haunted my dreams for years? Did my battle to annoy the shit out of him finally work?

I finally had the courage to stand up to him, and I couldn't be prouder of myself. He thought he could walk back into my life and control me like he's done for my entire worthless childhood, but boy, was he wrong. I always keep my promises.

Do you though?

Don't interrupt my internal monologue.

My father just started a war, and I had one the first battle. Well, I think I won. He did retreat back to wherever dark and dank cave he had strayed from when he walked out the door. All I can say is good riddance.

Despite the bravery I felt, my hands were still shaking from the encounter with that soggy white cheddar Cheeto. It takes a lot to stand up for yourself, my drooping eyelids and heavy bones were enough to prove this. The floor practically swayed under my feet as I stood up. My feet tripped over each other as I took a step, falling back onto the chair I had sat in earlier.

I need a nap. A nice long nap where I forget about the troubles of today. And I did exactly that, stumbling up the stairs to my room and collapsing on my bed without a second thought.

A/N: I sincerely apologize for the long wait for this chapter, I've had next to no inspiration for this story until today. Hopefully you guys can forgive me, I'll try to update this more often but I've been procrastinating and busy coming up with more story ideas than usual. It's hard to use my brain for once. It's being overworked :( The next update may take a while, I have to work on a couple projects for a trip that I'll be going on soon, so don't hold that against me. Please vote and comment if you can and I'll be glad to know what you think of this story. If you have any suggestions for a chapter just ask, and I'll be glad to write them for you. XOXO- S.B

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