Chapter 25 | Savagry Unknown

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A/N: Minor character who you'll meet later above.

Indigo's POV:

My mom was gone before I even woke up this morning. Shipped off to work to handle whatever shit people were complaining about this time as if she didn't have a life outside of her miserable job. The only sign she left of coming home last night was a forgotten takeout container left to rot on the living room coffee table.

This might explain why I woke up to the sound of an expensive horn blaring against the window of my room instead of my mom's cranky morning voice. Can horns even sound expensive? Whatever, it just did.

My eyes were glued shut from the amount of sleepy crust coating my eyes. I practically had to pry them open to look at the time on my nightstand's clock.

7:51 a.m.

It took a few seconds for my mind to process this, as it does all things. It's 7:51, on a Thursday, no, Wednesday. Hump day. Camels have humps. Camels also have to live in the desert. Deserts don't have a lot of people living there. Neither do abandoned buildings. Arkham Asylum from the Batman comics was abandoned. The Joker liked to live there because he was insane. Insane people get locked up by Batman. Batman locked people up in jails. School is just another jail. School...


From my front lawn or maybe even the other side of the continent Fox Nobles' voice was heard shouting, "INDIGO ITS TIME FOR US TO GO!"

Crap nuggets, I forgot the Angels were supposed to take me to school because I left my car there. Ugh.

Why are you still in bed? Get the hell up ding dong!

Fine, but I'm just going to complain the whole time.

I flung off my covers and stumbled to my closet with my eyes still half closed from sleep. Slinging on my school uniform, I yelled to the boys below "ONE SECOND!" I bet with all this shouting we woke up half the neighbors. Good. They deserve to feel what I did. Suffer and perish Mrs. Flii from across the street. That's for not inviting me to your cat's birthday party! I even baked Kitney Spears a cake for you!

The boys were too far away for me to hear their reply, but I bet it was something like, "When a woman says that she always means at least ten more minutes." Pricks. It's true, but they're still pricks. Like overgrown cacti.

I also grabbed the nearest sweatshirt in my closet, a grey one that was nearly fell past my thighs, and rushed to brush my teeth. There wasn't enough time for makeup or hair so I scrambled out of the door looking like a goblin on the run from the popo. Thankfully, I had enough sense to manhandle my book bag onto my sore shoulders before I left.

Fox was leaning out of the car's window and shrieking that we were going to be late if I didn't hurry up. Idiot, can't he see that I'm trying?

At least he had enough sense to leave me the passenger seat. I slid in just as Luca hit the petal to the metal and we zoomed out of my neighborhood with enough speed to make the Flash jealous.

With one green eye on the road and one on me, Luca questioned, "What the hell took you so long, we were sitting there for at least 15 minutes."

One eye on me quickly turned to both as his head snapped to me. Dark hair fell into his face and I was struck with a sudden urge to sweep it away. But the way his eyes captured mine made me hesitate. His gaze locked onto the sweatshirt I was wearing and his brows scrunched together.

Seriously? Did I get another paint stain on my outfit? I didn't even go anywhere near my acrylics today! I looked down, searching for the tell-tale splatter except there was nothing there.

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