Chapter 6 | Sucker for the Eyes

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A/N: Kana above :)

Indigo's POV-

And that's how I ended up riding shotgun in a car with the schools notorious Fallen Angels. Ain't life just great?

Yeah, so after I had the little epiphany about me not having a way home, I flopped down on the steps of the Academy face first, pretending to be dead, or maybe a beached whale.

After a few minutes of my misery, a foot gently nudged me in my side, and I groaned. A sound weird enough to make even Frankenstein (the monster not the doctor) stop and question my sanity.

A bright and happy voice rang close to where I was dying. "Umm, are you ok?" The voice questioned.

I flopped off of my belly and onto my side to gaze up at the voice, only to find aqua eyes hiding behind a pair of adorkable glasses gazing worriedly at me.

Behind the person who I remembered to be Fox (it'd be hard to forget a face like that), were the rest of the Fallen Angels, spread out in a divide and conquer technique.

I would like to say that I reacted amazingly and said a witty comeback or did some cool handshake with them, but then I'd be lying. What really happened was that they're surprise visit shocked the hell out of me and I went tumbling down the school steps like a three-legged dog on crack.

That's not a pretty image.

From my crooked position at the bottom of the steps, I noticed Fox cup his hands around his mouth and shout, "I know I already said this, but are you ok?"

Luca smacked Fox upside the head, growling, "Of course she's not ok idiot! She just fell down the stairs!"

Smiling sheepishly, Fox said, "My bad."

While Fox and Luca continued their relentless banter, Adrian, the twin with the dreads, glided down the steps and bent over to help me up. I grasped his hands and noticed they were bruised and had a few spots of blood that almost blended in with his dark skin. He quickly noticed my stare and hid his hands behind his back.

Asher stayed at the top with the other two idiots, his arms crossed and his lips set in a hard line. His weirdly split lips.

I wiped off my now slightly wrinkled sweater and gave Adrian an odd look. The twin was about to tell me something when Fox suddenly bounded down the stairs, graceful as well, a fox, and asked me lightly, "So, what are you still doing here new girl?"

I nervously picked at the paint stain still on my sweater. "Well, you see, the thing is-"

Luca and Asher followed down the steps next, and Luca actually interrupted me saying, "Well, spit it out."

The ice cold glare I gave that hot bitch was enough to give even Elsa the chills. And I remember her explicitly singing, "The cold never bothered me anyway."

"I was getting there." I gritted through clenched teeth. "Maybe if you actually got your head out of your ass, you'd be able to listen to what I have to say."

Fox brought a fist up to his mouth and exclaimed, "Oooo, get wrecked son!"

Both the twins blinked at the redhead and Luca turned to him, a solemn expression written across his features. "Fox," Luca said, "Do us all a favor and never, ever say something like that again."

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