Chapter 27 | Turbo Slug

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A/N: This doesn't really relate to the chapter, I just thought it was funny

Indigo's POV:

I am currently laying on my bed with a blanket over my face in an attempt to suffocate myself and YNW Melly's Murder on My Mind blasting from a speaker I found at the dollar store earlier with all
the lights off. If you're wondering why it's all Luca's fault and you can't persuade me otherwise.

It all started a few hours ago. Right after school the Fallen Angels and I all went to my house for no apparent reason except that's what friends do. Weird. Adrian and Asher were playing rock paper scissors on the couch, Fox was sitting on the floor, his glasses sliding down his nose as he glared at his computer, and Luca and I were locked in a staring contest in chairs opposite of each other. In my opinion, I was winning.

Luca and I were going on 15 minutes without blinking (at least that's what it felt like) when Fox's gasp drew the group's collective attention. A fate rarely completed.

Fox pushed up his glasses, his aqua eyes as big as Luca's ego. "Guys..." he started to say, "Y'all need to
look at this."

Adrian calmly walked over to where Fox sat criss-cross applesauce, Asher parkoured over the couch, and Luca and I raced to get over there, which ended in us wrestling for a spot next to Fox. He won so I had to stand up behind the four of them in attempt to see what was on the screen.

"Oh shit," Asher said, "Is that legit?"

"You're darn tootin it is," Fox replied in a sorry shot at a country accent.

Luca's face turned suddenly grave at what the shiny screen presented. It must've been serious, BUT I COULDNT FREAKING SEE WHAT IT WAS. CURSE THESE TALL IDIOTS. THEY WERE EVEN SITTING DOWN AND I COULDNT SEE THE COMPUTER.

"Time to make a game plan boys," Luca said. His dark eyes flitted to me momentarily. "And lets keep it to ourselves alright?"

Adrian and Asher nodded. Fox on the other hand, frowned. "Let's yee their haw partners."

We all turned to the idiot, silent. I was the first to speak up. "Ok, what the actual fuck Fox?"

He jutted out his lower lip. "What? Is it so wrong to want to be southern for a day?" He cleared his throat and began in an even worse accent that before. "Howdy there folks, my names John Deer and I LOVE mama's homemade biscuits and gravy. Not to mention her God's given sweet tea. Oh yeah and I love huntin, fishin, and guns."

I think it's safe to say that I'm officially not the dumbest one here anymore. What an accomplishment.

Luca spoke for all of us that witnessed that monstrosity. "Fox, please do us all a favor, and never, never, do that again."

Fox glared at all of us then huffed. "Fine you city-slickers. Let's just grab our stuff and go find Indigo's sister."

All the other boys somehow groaned in unison. Asher even went as far to slap his forehead.

"Dammit Fox," Luca said, "I thought you understood the part about keeping it to ourselves?"

Fox shrugged. "Whoops, I forgot."

"You forgot?" One of Luca's dark brows rose. "In less than a minute?"

"Yeah, that's what I said."

I cut both of them off before their bickering made my ears fall off. "So. You were planning on tracking down my sister, and NOT telling me about it?"

They all looked at their feet, not meeting my eyes. Good. They don't deserve that right. In fact, no one but my lord and savior, Ryan Reynolds, deserves that right.

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