Chapter 11 | Idiocy at its Finest

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A/N: The rest of the lunch table gang:)))
Top left if Theo, top right is Julian, bottom left is Michael, and bottom right is Harper. (Just imagine Harper with shorter hair)

Indigo's POV-

Why-bang- am- bang- I- bang- such- bang- an- bang- IDIOT- BANG.

For those of you currently wondering why I'm banging my head against the steering wheel of my Jeep, well it's a long story.

But since I'm such a disappointment to myself and all the human population I have enough free time to tell it.

So after embarrassing myself at Luca's house, I raced back home because it's a Tuesday and school started in thirty minutes. I nearly crashed through my house's front door and stumbled through the hallway to my room to change into the school uniform.

Five minutes, a navy blue scrunchy to hold up my blond locks, hastily applied makeup to hide my new bruises, and more bandaids that I could count later, I was rushing right back out the door. I stopped only to grab some headache medicine for my aching noggin, and noticed a note from my mom saying she wasn't going to be home tonight again.

My mom trusts me to not do anything irrational and honestly if it weren't for our annual breakfast outings, I'd be worried if I even had a mom at all. She's barely ever home since she's trying to fix the company my dad had the balls to screw up.

I parked at school with mere minutes to spare and pushed past several kids making their way up the stairs. What the mcfuck, why are they all walking less than two miles per hour!!! This is a high school hallway, not a one lane highway that's been backed up by a wreck, so speed it up sweeties.

I pushed past the last of the students, earning a few odd looks from angry Freshmen, but what were they gonna do? Run me over? With what car? None of those hoes can drive.

Yeah, but they all think they can ride.

Can you stop with the inappropriate comments Brain? I'm trying to get to class on time. And Mr. Redly's class is alllllll the way on the other side of the school.

The first bell of the day rung right before I stepped foot into the classroom. I would have been screwed if not for the fact that some random student told me he went to the bathroom.

When Mr. Redly got back, the class went by in a flash. Apparently we learned something about poetry, but I wouldn't know because I wasn't paying attention. Again. In my defense... well, I don't have an excuse. No wonder my dad didn't want me to join the business, I can't argue for shit.

After that, history and psychology were pretty easy, I did all the work in half the class periods. After that, I talked to whoever was next to me, making some pretty cool new friends. Yay! I accomplished something for once.

And finally it was lunch. Thank my great grandfather Fred, I've been craving some peanut butter crackers all day.

I sat down at the table with Kana and all her friends, catching the end of Wilhelmina's seemingly long rant. "-and that's why Lightning McQueen would be the perfect president for America."

Everyone sitting at the table burst out into choppy laughter, Kana almost choking on her lunch wrap. Wilhelmina smiled at her friends amusement, but when her eyes caught on me, her precious pink lips turned into a frown.

Theo, the wickedly handsome and blonde track star eyed me up and down, as if criticizing my fashion choice. What? I was wearing the school issued skirt and my regular sweater. This one was even a step up from yesterday! It didn't even have paint stains!

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