Chapter 2 | Lady Gaga Has Mind Control?

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A/N: Wilhelmina's wicked claws

Indigo's POV-

Mr. Redly's class passed by in a flash and so did my history class. Apparently it was something to do with economics, but I wouldn't know, I was doodling in my binders the entire time. The students in my classes may have been spoiled and rich but overall nice people and I made a few new friends.

The only class that was of any note to me was Psychology, and that was because some girl behind me kept trying to persuade Mr. Malakai (the Psychology teacher) that Lady Gaga is using mind control to stay popular.

"It's true Mr. Malakai! There's scientific evidence to support this!" The girl explained. Her thick chestnut brown hair fell down her back in waves and would fall in front of her face from time to time. She had darkly tanned skin almost the color of caramel and golden eyes to match. The girl was also wearing makeup to highlight her foreign features but not enough to be think she failed clown college.

Mr. Malakai sat back at his desk with his arms crossed at the class. "Well, then what's the evidence Wilhelmina?"

So that was that was her name. Well it suited her personality alright.

Wilhelmina stood up proudly from her desk and smirked, "Oh, I am so glad you asked." She gestured towards the front of the room with her perfectly pink nails where a whiteboard hung. "May I?"

Mr. Malakai sighed and closed his eyes, defeated. "Do what you want Willa. You always do."

When she reached the front of the room, Wilhelmina clasped her hands loudly in front of her.. "Ok class, my name is Ms. Elliot, but for all you guys in the crowd you can call me-"

"WILHELMINA!" Mr. Malakai interrupted so rudely.

"Sorry Mr. Teach." Wilhelmina chuckled, although she was anything but sorry.

She brushed her thick hair away from her face where it fell. "As I was saying, I'm now a teacher, freshly graduated from Stripper University with a degree in knowledge," she wriggled her eyebrows suggestively, "of certain pleasures."

Mr. Malakai cut in, "Willa, please get to the point."

Wilhelmina cleared her throat, making sure to draw the entires classrooms attention to herself, as if it wasn't already, and proceeded to stand on top of a desk that was coincidentally empty in the front of the room.

"With this knowledge that I have received, I have found a shocking thread of discoveries. One, Lady Gaga's first debut single released in 2008 titled Just Dance reached top charts and was even nominated for a Grammy. Doesn't that seem just a little suspicious for a new artist? The song is telling the listener to Just Dance as the title suggests. This is obviously mind control, for when every time the song plays everyone feels the need to suddenly start dancing. Am I right?"

A few murmurs of confirmation were heard through the room, causing another smile to light up Wilhelmina's face. Mr. Malakai, by this point had placed his head in his hand, disappointed in himself and his supposedly bright students.

But she still wasn't finished. "Her second single Poker Face also reached the top charts in multiple countries.  The term Poker Face refers back to a blank look, one that as many books and movie have shown, is a side effect of, you guessed it. Mind control."

A few gasps were heard around the room. One girl even has the audacity to shout, "Holy shit!"

Wilhelmina nodded her head solemnly at the class. "It's true. And not only that, but she was muttering weird sounds throughout the very same song." For the next part, Wilhelmina stepped off the desk and grabbed a marker, writing her evidence on the board in surprisingly neat writing. "This muttering plus the fact that her mind control powers have been proven equals," she paused in anticipation, leaving the whole class leaning forward in their seats, "Lady Gaga is not only using mind control, but she's also planning to take over the world."

The room burst out into a frenzy. Cries of surprise and whispers of agreement echoed around me. Mr. Malakai even looked up from where his hands were originally holding his face to stare at Wilhelmina befuddled.

The woman in charge herself seemed pretty proud of the chaos she had created, her hands placed on her hips and a satisfied smirk on her lips. She glanced around the room, wanting to bathe in the upheaval she caused and her golden eyes fell on me.

Her face scrunched up as if he'd never seen me before.

No shit me, she hasn't seen you before. If you hadn't noticed it already, you're the new girl.

Oh yeah. Forgot about that.

Wilhelmina strode over to where I was sitting and gave me a crooked smile. "You must be the new girl." She said.

I placed my elbow on the desk before me and raised my eyebrows at her."What ever gave you that impression."

"I don't know, maybe it's the fact that I have no idea who you are, and I know everybody." A sly smirk spread across her lips.

Of course she knows everybody. This is a relatively small academy full of the richest if the rich. You'd have to be a social pariah to not know anybody here.

Umm, you don't know anybody here.

Oh. Well shut up brain, your just as dumb as I am.

A bell cut through my internal monologue with my brain, signaling the end of the class period.

Kids began gathering up their things but before I could as well, Wilhelmina grabbed my arm, her neon pink nails ice cold against my skin.

"You should sit with my friends and I at lunch,"  she commanded for than told me, "we'd all love to hear about the new girl."

Her grip tightened after I took a second to think of a reply. Damn this bitch had some claws. You would think she was suddenly gifted with tiger powers or something.

"I would but I already said I was going to sit with someone." I replied, false remorse filtering into my words.

She bared her canines in a sadistic smile. "Pity." Was all she offered, then her sharp nails released me and she sashayed out of the classroom, her hips swaying with every step.

Isn't it funny that someone can act all funny and seem like a nice person to hang around at one moment, then like a total meanie the next. Absolutely, gut wrenchingly hilarious.

I wonder what I did to make her act that ways towards me, I barely said a word to her!

Whatever, not my problem.

Once again, I grabbed my binders and headed out the door, waving goodbye to Mr. Malakai who was lying with his face pressed down against his large desk.

I stopped once to put my stuff up in my locker and to grab my lunch. Never once in my life have I trusted lunch food, and I never will. It's anyone's guess to what they actually put in there, and I don't want to try while I'm puking my guts up. Like, hmmm, that looks a little bit like corn but it's mixed up with whatever else was in that chili.

The hallways were mostly empty and I had to take my best shot at where the cafeteria actually was. Let's just say that when I walked in a few minutes late, I got one too many stares for my liking.

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