Chapter 12 | Haters Gonna Hate

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A/N: Wilhelmina looking flawless up there. Btw, there's a little crossover with another book of mine, Tales of River-Way. You should read it unless your uncomfortable with no plot whatsoever and way too many sarcastic comments.

Indigo's POV-

The rest of my week went something a little like this.

• Me not doing anything worth mentioning in my first three classes.

• Wilhelmina glaring at me during lunch and Kana going on long rants about literally anything.

• Fox and I chilling out in Chemistry, almost managing to blow up the lab. More than once.

• Adrian, Asher, and I goofing off in math and Neon Clothes Teacher Lady, whose name I found out to be Mrs. Tittie, getting pissed at us.
(I know, her name is just comedic gold)

•And finally, Luca trying his best to ignore me and doing an overall alright job at sketching my hands. He even added a few specks of paint on them!

And before I knew it, the first football game of the season was upon us. The entire school body was gossiping about how outstanding their team was and what player was the cutest. I nearly had to hold Kana down when some girl gushed about what she'd do to Micheal in his uh, no no square.

At lunch, Michael told us we were going against some public school called River-Way High. According to literally everyone I spoke to, River-Way was a complete ass school, known for pranks and air-headed idiots, and yet somehow being only a few towns over from these fancy people. Let's just say our team shouldn't be too worried about losing.

After school, I went home and sketched a little bit more. Practice makes perfect as my father used to say, and after perfection, you make sure to stay that way.

Looking back on it now, my father was kind of a prick with a stick shoved so far up his ass, it was surprising he could even walk.

Checking my phone I realized it was about time to get ready for the game. I threw on a oversized T-shirt that had minimalist wave on the front along with a pair of light wash shorts. After applying some mascara and French braiding my golden hair, I hopped into my yellow Jeep and drove off to wonders unknown.

Ok, so maybe I should have said the over payed for, monumental football stadium Everly Academy owns, but does really matter?

I parked in the paved parking lot, noticing the overwhelming amount of expensive cars and lack of tailgaters. I guess they were to sophisticated to stoop as low as being referred to in the same manner as... hillbillies.

After paying my admission to enter, I wondered around trying to find Kana and the others. I was so busy sketching earlier, I forgot to charge my phone and I didn't want it to die in the middle of the game.

Eh, I'd stumble upon her soon enough. My stomach rumbled, hinting that it needed sustenance rather loudly, like a miniature Beluga whale was hiding somewhere in the folds of my organs.

I was waiting in the long line for the concessions when I heard the whispers of two teenagers behind me. I couldn't not listen, especially when the mermaids down in the Mariana Trench could hear them.

A soft and hoarse voice spoke from behind me, giving the impression that the speaker didn't talk to often. "Mara, calm down, it's not that big of a deal."

The girl, whom I'm assuming is Mara snorted. "Not a big deal my ass," she huffed. A rustling followed, possible her crossing her arms. "That little shit stick stole my muffin."

Using my peripheral vision, I saw that the dude with the hoarse voice had thick black hair and hooded eyes. Mara, the girl next to him had bright red hair that curled haphazardly around her face. Not to mention enough freckles to make anyone jealous. Including me.

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