Chapter 24 | It's Going Down, I'm Yelling Timber

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A/N: Suuuuuper long chapter ahead to make up for not writing anything in like 3 weeks. I lost count. Btw, if it wasn't clear enough in the chapter, credit to Hotel California goes to The Eagles. (You should listen to it, it's absolutely amazing. Music to my ears. Literally) And plus above is the song Timber by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha bc when I wrote that it got stuck in my head ;)

Indigo's POV-

After school, Luca and I set out to find the other Fallen Angels to figure out where my weasel of a sister was hiding. Or more likely partying. She always was one to stay creeping in the shadows as most unoriginal villains do. Just kidding, Lavender would more likely be dancing wildly in a strip club with multicolored lights shining around her as she moved in an adrenaline-induced haze.

Now that I think about it, maybe we're more alike than I thought.

Isn't that a bad thing?

Depends on how you look at it. Neither of us cares what others think, we just want to enjoy life as we see fit. And don't get me wrong, that is an amazing quality to have, but Lavender doesn't use it for the same reasons I do. She doesn't give a flying flapjack about laws or rules and breaks them at any given opportunity, oftentimes hurting anyone within the vicinity, while I am more considerate of others emotions. After all, are we all not the same in the most important ways?

Damn, that was deeper than the Mariana Trench.

How do you even know what that is?

Unlike you, I actually pay attention in school.

No, you don't.

Haters will be cancelled like my Netflix subscription after I spent all my money on iced coffee.

Is that why I have 0.07¢ in my bank account? can't prove anything.

At least we spent the money on something important. I mean, we could have wasted it on tickets to go see the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Now that would have been a real tragedy.

Making our way down the Academy's steps, Fox waved us over from their car rather enthusiasicly, even for him.

"What's up my dashing doorknobs," the redhead called, leaning against the car's hood.

Adrian and Asher both gave him quizzical looks from the back seat, where they had situated themselves. It was weird seeing them side by side like that since Adrian's face was literally copied and pasted onto his twin's. Or would it be the other way around?

Walking around to the driver's side of the black car, Luca said, "Fox, that made no sense."

"Yeah, well, you make no sense!" Fox shot back as he climbed into the passenger seat.

Curse Fox's long as hell noodle legs! He made it to shotgun before me, and I could practically feel my hands clenching with unleashed rage. Like, bro, you know that's my spot, and you're just going to take it like that? Really? Are you on crack?

I tapped on Fox's window and waited for him to roll it down. He was doing it as slowly as possible to get on my nerves, stopping every once in a while to push up his glasses.

Once he was done, Fox poked his head out of the window and asked, "May I help you?"

I crossed my arms and tried to look as angry as possible, but Luca was holding back a smile when he caught a glance at me, so I couldn't have been all that fearsome. Excuse you Luca Night, I am darkness personified.

Is that why you have a bright yellow jeep?


And why you can't go to sleep without a nightlight?

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