Chapter 3 | Bad Boys? Thats Cool

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A/N: Just a little something to help you imagine Indigo a little better ;)

Indigo's POV-

The only thing that kept me from hiding beneath my lunchbox (although it wouldn't provide much protection) was Kana, the nice girl who gave me directions earlier, waving energetically from her table.

I pointed to myself, just to make sure she was talking to me.

Kana rolled her eyes and mouthed, "Yes you, get your ass over here now."

I have no idea how I understood that from several tables away, but I walked over to her and sat down cautiously. Her friends at the table all gave me warming smiles and welcoming gestures.

Looking around, a muscular boy with mousy brown hair sat beside Kana, beside me was another boy that was more on the leaner side with perfect blond hair and a charming smile. Across the table were two people currently holding hands and sending goo goo eyes at each other. One was a girl who had lighter patches of skin all over her and curly hair cut into a short bob. The boy holding her hand had chocolate brown skin and bright eyes that were currently staring at his possible girlfriend in awe, like a being as fine as this could never exist, much less be sitting beside him.

Beside them was, oh shit. It was Wilhelmina who was glaring at me as soon as my eyes met hers. Huh, what are the odds.

Apparently they're pretty high.

Look if you're not going to be helpful, then get out.

I'm your brain dumbass, I can't "get out" unless you wanna die.

Duly noted.

Wilhelmina's golden eyes had a sort of predatory gleam to them, like light reflecting off gold except giving off a vibe that made me rethink my life's choices. "So," Wilhelmina drawled, "I thought you told me you already had someone to sit with. What are you doing at our table new girl?"

It took all of my self control to keep my face from twitching. Instead, I smiled as bright as I possible could from to where she sat across from me. "Well, I ran into Kana earlier in the hallway. She was kind enough to invite me to sit with her at lunch, and I didn't want to be rude and switch tables suddenly." My smile by now was giving off enough light to overpower Times Square. "Funnily enough, I ended up here."

Wilhelmina opened up her mouth to reply but the resounding bang of the cafeteria doors being thrown opened stopped her, thankfully.

In stalked four boys with near silent footsteps. Two looked identical. They both were tall and muscled, a highly admired quality in my opinion, with perfectly chiseled chins and dark skin. The only difference between the two was that one had long dreads hanging haphazardly in front of his really hot face and the other's hair was cropped short, nearly to his skull.

The boy next to the twins (at least I'm pretty sure they're twins) wore thick framed glasses that nearly hid his handsome features. Nearly. His full lips were on broad display and the glasses did nothing to hide the sparkle of mischief and intelligence located deep in his azure eyes. Not to mention the way his rust colored hair was amazingly ruffled.

And finally was a sight that took my breath away. Somebody better call the cops, it should be illegal for anybody to be that good looking. Seriously. Black hair like the prettiest piece of onyx graced his head, and lets not get started on his face. Damn. I could see the green hue of his eyes a mile away. It was as if you could step straight into a shadowed forest just by gazing into those things. His cheekbones were perfectly defined and so were the muscles located just about anywhere you could imagine. Anywhere.

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