Chapter 10 | Pillow Thief

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A/N: Those are all of the Fallen Angels. Aren't you just swooning? Top left is Luca, top right is Fox, bottom left is Adrian, and bottom right is Asher.

Luca's POV-

What the fuck. No one should have the right to look that fucking adorable when they're asleep.

Seriously! What is this? A fake TV drama that shows nothing but unrealistic expectations for people? I think not! So how in the entire fuck can Indigo look so cute and cuddly when she's snoring away like a demon with a health problem?


Screw this. I grabbed another set of sheets and covers before making a pallet for myself on the floor. What? I'm not going to sleep in the bed with her unless she's comfortable with it, and she's kinda already asleep so I can't exactly ask her.

The only thing I needed now was a pillow. I walked over to my bed to sneak one away, but Indigo was snuggling with literally every single one on my bed. How is that possible? I had at least four pillows on my bed and it's not like you need more than two to rest peacefully, so why was Indigo hogging them all?

Whatever. Smoothly, I raised one of her arms encircling multiple pillows in an attempt to steal one away. But, when I went to get the pillow closest to me, a foot shot out of the bedsheets and struck me where the sun doesn't shine.

Holy shitfuck son of a bitch that hurt. I crumpled to the floor with a hand over that very sensitive area and groaned in my misery. I don't think I'll ever have kids now. Thanks a lot Indigo, you just deprived the world of little baby me's. How could you?

When I finally managed to pick myself off from the floor, determination filled my veins. I was going to get that pillow, even if it's the last thing I do.

With all my strength, I rolled Indigo to the opposite side of the bed and grabbed a pillow hastily, almost as if the bed was a hot stove and the pillow was the food I was touching to see if I could eat it or not.

I held the pillow up in victory, but my ultimate win was short lived, for Indigo once again kicked me, causing the pillow to fumble in my grasp. As I fell to the floor once more, the pillow hopped from my hands back to the bed and nestled back into Indigo's embrace.

Sitting there on the floor with two new bruises forming, I decided it was going to be a pillow less night.


I was expecting to be woken up by light cascading through a crystal clear window and falling gracefully in my face. Maybe the smell of pancakes wafting into my room led by some unseen force. I would even take Indigo peacefully shaking me awake, since the first thing I would see would have been her shining smile.

What I was not expecting however was Fox pounding on the door before eventually breaking it down and stomping into my room, screaming "WHAT'S UP FUCKERS?"

Yeah, that was a great way to start off my morning. Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic.

Indigo jolted awake, her pale form slipping from the bed's warm embrace. The thing is, my pallet I made to sleep on for the night was beside the bed. The bed that Indigo fell of off and right atop of me.

Her weight was pressing down on me, although she wasn't too heavy, like a feather. A feather made of stone and about fifty times larger than a regular one.

Indigo shifted until she was straddling me on the floor. She rubbed her head, wincing in pain, making her already disheveled bed hair a whole lot worse. I studied her face intently to see the extent of her wounds last night.

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