Chapter 21 | Rumor Has It

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A/N: I've had this song stuck in my head this entire day. Help. Btw I haven't edited this yet so ignore the mistakes please and thank you. Vote, Comment, all that jazz!

Indigo's POV-

I hate Tuesday's. I mean, it's the day after Monday and you're still a little groggy from the weekend, but you're still too far away from Friday to actually enjoy your free time. And it's just spelled so weird. Not as bad as Wednesday, but my minimum amount of brain cells can't wrap their atoms around the letter choice. I said atoms because brain cells can't have brains can they? What if brain cells have brains and then those brains have brain cells which have brains and— it's too early to think about this shit.

My glorious mother had gotten home late last night, or should I say morning since she arrived in a loud clamor, nearly stampeding her way through the house at ONE IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Now, I love my mom, so, so much, but dammit! WHY CANT SHE JUST LET ME SLEEP!

Then after causing me to wake up at one in the morning because of her antics, my dumbass brain decided it was a good idea to have the belief that it wanted to express its creativity through art. And so, I spent the entire morning since one o'clock painting my heart out until the wee hours of dawn. Let's just say I was a tad bit grumpy.

But it was almost time to go to school, and I refused to let this rough start ruin my day. I threw on a cream sweater with the Academy's logo on the front and a navy blue skirt, almost tripping in the process. My golden hair was thrown into a ponytail and it was too early for makeup in my opinion, so after tugging on a pair of shoes, I was ready to go. Well, as ready I could be on a Tuesday.

Before I left my room, I looked behind me one last time at the painting my brain was so worked up about. It was a barren landscape, all manners of harsh colors decorating the canvas in ragged strokes. Two figures stood in the center, the taller of the two was the barest silhouette of a human, towering over the other. The smaller figure was more recognizable, it's back the only thing visible to the viewer. It's stance was defensive with hands clenched to its sides. Huh, this picture reminded me of something but I couldn't place my finger on what. Eh, I'll figure it out later.

My mom has already headed back to work by the time I trudged downstairs, so I grabbed a pop tart and my car keys before making my way out of the door. I also threw a muffin in my back pack for lunch, I knew I was going to by hungry by then and too lazy to wait in line. There wasn't any point in staying in an empty house, the silence was just overwhelming.

I finished my pop tart in record time, pulling up to the school's excessively long driveway mere seconds later. As I hopped out and walked up the stairs to the school, a manner of spoiled rich kids were staring and pointing at me. It was as if I was reliving the first day of school all over again, but this time there shouldn't have been a reason for all this attention.

I didn't like it. Most people don't like so many people noticing you and whispering things behind their back, but I was raised without so much as a glance from others. I was so used to being in my sister's shadow, this was... unnerving. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only reason people knew me was for my father, otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't care.

Whatever, if people are saying shit about me then it is what it is. There's only so much you can do against something of this manner.

I had to deal with the whispers and looks all the way to my locker where Kana was waiting. Oh shit, with all the drama of the past week or so, I've nearly forgotten about her. My bad.

Kana's dark eyes were wide as her gaze met mine.

"Kana, what is it?" I asked her, opening my locker to put my books up.

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