Chapter 19 | That Was Unexpected

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Luca's POV-

Indigo was shifting in her seat at the weight of our stares, not able to bare the heavy silence.
"So," she began, "I guess I should tell you just why I reacted that way to the news Saturday on the radio."

Asher crossed his arms, a brooding look on his face. "That would be helpful."

The blonde took a deep breath, and steadied herself against the car window. Scrunching up her face and squeezing her eyes shut, she blurted out, "My father is Oliver Bennett, CEO of Violet Enterprises."

Fox blinked back behind his glasses that he still had not gotten repaired from the fight Saturday. "Well, that was unexpected."

Adrian stayed quiet, lost in his thoughts. His brother in the other hand, raised his eyebrows at the small, paint stained girl. "Wasn't Bennett ratted out by one of his daughters?" He asked quietly.

Indigo rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"

The boys in the back passed her matching stares of disbelief.

"Look, Violet Enterprises didn't start off as a bad thing, it was built for and named after my grandmother, my father's mother, Violet Bennett. She had a rare disease that turned her eyes purple and her body sickly. My father began his business with all intentions of raising enough money to help Violet's condition. My mother, Aurora, fully supported this and even became a lawyer to assist with business matters. But, even all the money in the world couldn't save my grandmother, she died a few years before the company became big, making billions per year. Violet's death and greed corrupted my father until he was nearly unrecognizable to the kind man willing to do anything for his family. When my older sister, Lavender, was born with the same disease as my grandmother, my father made it his mission to not let the same fate as my grandmother befall her. He began working with gangs and all sorts of dangerous people to make her stronger and better. He gifted Lavender with everything she wanted because of her affliction. Myself on the other hand, he treated me like crap. He didn't care about me one bit, only his precious Lavender. My whole life went along like that until I stumbled upon some information that would ruin my father and his business. Anonymously, I sent it to the FBI who then took him down. And I don't regret it one bit."

"And now your fathers after you for revenge." I told her, my eyes never straying from the road ahead.

"He's always been a revengeful little shit."

Adrian's soft voice cut in. "What ever happened to Lavender? You haven't told us her fate was to her after you ratted out your dad."

Indigo narrowed her eyes and said sharply, "I prefer the term father. It's sounds more detached than if I called him dad."

I take it Indigo doesn't have the best relationship with her family, but I'm not to sure. That was sarcasm, I was being sarcastic.

Fox poked his head over to Indigo, tilting it to the side. The light shining through the windshield made his hair brighten as if if were lit on fire. "But you didn't answer Adrian's question. What ever happened to Lavender?"

Instead of the bright and cheery face I was so used to seeing, Indigo's face drew dark. "She became the most dangerous person in the underworld."

Fox laughed, his glasses nearly slipping down his nose. "But that would mean that Violet Haze, the demon of the night, the wraith who haunts every kid's nightmares, the most feared arsenal in Sven's pocket is your sister."

Indigo's silence was answer enough.

This was mind blowing. Little ol' Indigo, the most innocent and adorable girl on this entire fucking planet, was related to some of the most deadly people in the underworld. It's unbelievable.

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