Chapter 22 | That's Just Showbiz Baby

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A/N- Sorry for the long wait folks, but I have had 0 inspiration these short weeks and I've been partying every other night with my rad as heck skills. Jk I've been sleeping, but totally not the point. But we've reached over 500 views!!! Holy shit!!! That's freaking awesome to me and I'm thankful for all you precious readers out there. Thank you for giving this shitty story a chance y'all. Much love, S.B.
P.S. Indigo's lunch bc I was really in the mood for muffins.
P.P.S. Really really long chapter ahead.

Luca's POV:

By lunchtime it was obvious Indigo was fed up with everyone's shit. The rumors have been surrounding her all day, clouding around her like a rumbling storm. It was only a matter of time before lighting strikes the school, and the students will have one hell of a reckoning when it finally does.

Her bright hazel eyes stared into the mass of students with such intensity, it honestly frightened me a little bit. I wonder what had her all fired up?

Maybe it's all the shit people are saying about her and her dad behind her back. That would make anyone at least a little bit angry.

Yeah, but I don't think I've ever seen her like this. Blonde tangles flying through the air as she marched to her lunch table, footsteps echoing with every stump in the silent cafeteria, her hands clenched by her side and twitching every other second.

It was obvious she was holding back her anger as she sat down with her so called friends. Except, as soon as she pulled a distinctly muffin looking object, all malice was thrown out the window and a cheerful smile broke across Indigo's features.

The Angels and I were struck dumb, which doesn't happen very often. Was she not pissed about the things everyone was saying about her? The four of us were accustomed to rumors as well, so we could understand her predicament.

"I heard Luca Night robbed a bank last night."

"Did you know that Fox Nobels actually hacked into the Pentagon?"

"My friend told me she saw the Sullivan twins kill a man after a drug deal gone wrong."

They were all true enough, except Fox hacked into Homeland Security, not the Pentagon. But still, it's the thought that counts.

Locked into my thoughts, Fox's cheerful voice brought me back into the world of idiots.

"Don't you think Indigo is handling this situation marvelously?" Fox paused to gulp down a slice of pizza, "Honestly, I'm in awe."

Asher grunted in agreement, more focused on his lunch than the conversation. Adrian on the other hand replied, "Yeah, actually it's a little worrying to me."

I gave him a weird look. "How so?"

"Well, don't girls usually cry over stuff like this? Or they at least get mildly upset at the matter. Indigo, well just look at her." Adrian gestured over to her table where Indigo was happily chowing down on what I suspected used to be a muffin. "She isn't showing any signs of a healthy reaction, in fact, she's acting like nothing happened at allow."

Fox leaned his chair away from the table, finally finishing about four slices of pizza. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Adrian sighed, "Not necessarily. Reactions in people are normal, it's just human nature to get mad when someone talks shit about you. That doesn't call for beating them up or anything, but a person should at least get upset at one point or another. Indigo's not doing that, and that's sort of scary."

Well, I'm glad it's not just me.

"Then as good friends of Indigo, shouldn't we be over there to comfort her in this dire time of need," Fox said, still leaning back insufferably in his chair. His eyes strayed over to Indigo's table for a second longer than usual, his gaze focused on a certain blond headed boy.

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