Chapter 31 | Yain't

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A/N: Look its Violet. Maybe her hotness will make up for my lack of updating... Ahah

Luca's POV:

We have been sitting here for the past hour. HOUR! And let me tell you, there is no other torture than being left to your own imagination. Second runner up is being left alone with Fox. And when you combine the two... well you get something a little like this:

"Eye spy with my little eye something... black!" Fox's annoyingly chirpy voice rang.

Asher rolled his eyes. "Is it me?"

"Asher!" Fox cried, "You can't just say that!"

"Fine, then Luca's soul." Asher said, nodding to me.


Adrian piped up for the first time since we began the game an hour ago. "Don't get butthurt man, you know it's true."

Before I could retort anything, Fox cleared his throat. "Anyway. I spy with my little eye something... black!"

"Oh my fuck I can't take this anymore!!" A voice from the shadows rang.

Fox crinkled his nose. "Well there's no need to be rude."

Lavender—I mean Violet—I mean bitch— I mean ugh whatever her name is stepped out from nowhere.

Well maybe she's been hiding around this entire time. The four of us are all strapped to chairs that form a circle with only one light dangling right above us. Classy I know. We couldn't really see anything outside of our little ring so now that I'm thinking about it, she probably was hiding around listening to us.

Oh the things that lady has heard.

She needs holy water for her ears.

We all do after listening to Fox rant about- you know what I don't even want to remember it.

Lavenders pale face was turning cherry red when my attention flickered back to her. "Y'all have been playing I Spy for the past hour! What the actual fuck is wrong with yall!"

Asher shrugged. "A lot."

Wow. Someone's been reading the Witty Comebacks for Dummies Handbook again.

"Trust me," Lavender sighed while running a hand through her pale hair, "I'm well aware."

Sets of footsteps echoed through the warehouse. A few seconds later 4 men breathing heavily entered our little ring. The shortest of the group stepped forward, his adam's apple bobbing as he spoke.

"Ms. Haze?" He stuttered.

Lavender's voice was so sharp I think it just chopped off my pinkie toe. "Yes?" She answered.

"Umm- well- you see- the thing is-"

"Just spit it out!" The blonde haired bitch said evenly.

One of the other guards it looked like, with their matching black uniforms that was supposed to make them look badass but instead just reminded me of a group halloween costume gone wrong, stepped forward.

He stood straight-backed with his hands clasped behind him toy soldier like. "It was approximately 8:24 p.m. with the sun setting two hours prior. There was a sharp wind blowing to the east and the water was slightly choppy, indicating a storm on the horizon. I-"

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